Targeting the full potential of biotic waste streams and biotic feedstock

Together with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Copernicus Institute is looking towards industry to eliminate obstacles during innovation of green chemistry. Therefore, the institutes have set up the research project SafeBBE, which stands for ‘Approaches towards a safe and sustainable bioeconomy’.
During SafeBBE research project well-known and popular sustainability analyses (from Life Cycle Assessment to Dow Jones Sustainability index) will be mapped and a tool is to be developed (based on these existing methodologies), making sustainability questions easier and transparent during innovation and production.
SafeBBE is targeting the full potential of biotic waste streams and biotic feedstock for making biobased chemicals and products. In this sector, modern biotechnologies, including synthetic biology, are increasingly applied, which will also be taken into account. An important aspect is a collaboration with stakeholders, including industry, research institutes and chain organisations, to share knowledge and experiences. Perceptions of stakeholders - including citizens - on safety and sustainability issues related to BBE will be included to identify key issues and add weighing factors to the decision tree.