Printing, photocopying and scanning

General information for everyone
All multifunctional printers are connected to the 'Follow Me' system. You simply send your documents from your computer or mobile device to the printers, and then collect them at a multifunctional of your choice.
This way you can always pick up your prints at the nearest multifunctional. It also enables you to (for example) send a document to the multifunctionals in the city centre, and collect it later somewhere at Utrecht Science Park.
UU Employees:
- Employees have to use their campuscard. The campuscard is automatically registered to your account.
- The use of an alternative card is not possible.
- You can also use your Solis-id and password to logon.
UU Students:
- To link a new card, please go to a multifunctional. Students can use any card they want with an RFID chip (for example an OV chip card*). Link your card by swiping it above the printer's card reader. On the keyboard type your Solis-id and password.
- To unlink a card, link a new card at the multifuntional itself or go to myprintportal.
* Please note that the OV chip card has nothing to do with your printcredit.
There are several ways to print.
Installing the multifunctionals on your own computer (queues)
The multifunctionals are already installed on (most) UU computers. On your own computer, you will have to install them yourself. This is the most commonly used method that also offers the most options. See 'Manuals about installing and using the multifunctionals' below.
Printing via SolisWorkspace
SolisWorkspace makes printing easy, because the multifunctionals are already installed there. Here you can easily change the paper format.
Printing via Myprintportal
You can also upload your files via myprintportal and then print them. The myprintportal offers more possibilities (settings) than printing via e-mail. However, it can be trickier to use the right paper size here. If your source document has a size other than A3 or A4 set (such as 'letter'), you may have problems printing.
Print via e-mail
Simply e-mail your document from your UU e-mail box to You will receive a confirmation that your document is ready to be picked up at a multifunctional. Your documents are printed in colour by default. You can change this on the multifunctional before printing. Using the right paper size can also be trickier with this method. If your source document has a size other than A3 or A4 set (such as 'letter'), you may have problems printing. See 'Manuals about installing and using the multifunctionals' below for detailed instructions.
On most UU computers (Solis workstations) the multufunctionals are already (automatically) installed. On your own (private) laptop or unmanaged workstation you have to do this yourself.
Please visit our manuals website for an overview of all manuals for the multifunctionals.
Some examples:
- printing from your device (laptop/smartphone/tablet)
- scanning
- photocopying
There are short instructional videos available as well, showing the basic functions of the multifunctionals.
- you have a large print job (the multifunctional printers are unfitted for this)
- you need customized products like posters or flyers
Please go to the uu canon shop.
Information specific for students
Print credits
To top up your print credit for the multifunctionals and to check your balance, go to myprintportal. It may take a while for the amount to be credited after top-up. UMC students must top up their print credit via the UMC website.
Please note that any print credit is linked to your university account (Solis-id), and not to your print card (e.g. public transport cards). A card is only used to quickly log on to the printer.
In some cases, you can have print credit credited back to your account. This is allowed only once. Within about five weeks of your request, the amount will be credited to your account.
Refund (former) students on leaving university
(Former) students can apply for a print credit refund. You should do this as soon as possible after the end of your studies. You are eligible for a refund if you meet the following criteria.
- You have not previously requested a refund;
- Your Solis ID is still working and you can still log in to the myprintportal below;
- Your print credit is at least 5 euros or higher.
Apply for a refund at myprintportal.
Refund when you start working at UU as a (former) student
Were you a student at UU first and then came to work here? Then you no longer need print credit. Do you still have personal print credit in your account (minimum 5 euros) and do you expect to remain an employee? You can request a refund at myprintportal.
Refund for guests
Are you a guest at UU? Then refunds are not possible. You must use up your print credit before the Solis ID expires.
Type of printout | Rate for A4 in eurocents | Rate for A3 in eurocents |
Black - single sided | 3,5 | 4,5 |
Black - double sided | 6,0 | 7,0 |
Colour - single sided | 6,5 | 7,5 |
Colour - double sided | 12 | 13 |
Please note that the rates in this table differ from the rates of the old printing system, in which no distinction was made between A3 and A4 format. Also, only recyled paper is used.
If you are a student and have also been appointed as an employee of the university, you are automatically identified as an employee at the multifunctionals. From then on, you will also use your campus card to log in at the multifunctionals. If you still have personal print credit on your account (at least 5 euros) and expect to remain an employee, you can request a refund (see 'print credit and refunds' above).
Visit myprintportal to redeem your voucher and recieve print credits. Log in with your Solis-id and password.
Information specific for guests
If you need to use the print facilities in the University Library and you do not have a Solis-id, please go to the counter of the library and request a guest Solis-account. That account gives you:
- Free of charge access to the scanfacilities of the printer
- For prints or copies, you need print credit: see "Print credit and refunds" on this site.
Good to know if you have purchased print credit as a guest:
Your guest Solis-account automatically expires after one year. Prolong it timely if you want to keep your print credit.
As soon as your Solis-account is disabled, your print credit expires as well.
With a guest Solis-account you do not get a refund.
The remaining print credit can be read on the display of the printer.