Solis-id and password
A Solis-id is a user name which, together with a password and two-factor authentication, gives access to Utrecht University services.
Staff and students of Utrecht University automatically receive their Solis-id. In combination with a password and two-factor authentication, the Solis-id (for instance smith001) allows access to library and IT services. For instance:
- Computers
- Wi-Fi
- Printing, photocopying and scanning
- Educational systems
- Surfspot
- All search engines of Utrecht University Library
- Electronic journals
- Requesting library items from WorldCat
New staff members and students will receive their Solis-id and password in two separate emails to their private email addresses.
The Solis password is used in combination with the Solis-id.
The password needs to be changed regularly. You will receive a reminder of the expiration date of the password by email. You can change the password via the Password Manager.
Forgotten your password or have you not received it? Restore the password yourself via the Password Manager. (Click on "Forgot Password?").
Emeriti, temporary workers and visiting lecturers
Please contact the personnel department of your faculty or unit.
No student or staff member of Utrecht University?
With a Solis-id for guests, you can make use of the library's IT facilities and services. Click here for more information about the online guest access to the library.
UMC accounts
UMC staff have a UMC account and may apply for a Solis-id to use additional services. Read more about UMC accounts.
Three-month grace period
As soon as your employment at the university ends, you will be informed by email about the ‘grace period.’ This means that the Solis-id expires after 90 days (three months). However, immediately after the termination of your employment you will no longer have off-campus access to electronic publications and search engines of the library. You will need a guest Solis-id to still make use of the IT facilities and services of the library (see: Solis-id for guests).
Grace period expired?
When the grace period has expired you can no longer use the services for which you needed a Solis-id. Also your email address will be closed. However, you can apply for a guest Solis-id in the university library giving you access to the IT facilities and services of the library). See the tab: Solis-id for guests.
Grace period: 3 months
As soon as your studies at the university end, you will be informed via email about the 'grace period'. This means that your Solis ID will be deactivated after 3 months. However, immediately after the end of your study you will no longer have off-campus access to electronic publications and search engines of the library. To consult electronic material you must come to the library (see: Solis-id for guests)
Grace period expired?
When the grace period has expired you can no longer use the services for which you needed a Solis-id. Also your UU Gmail email address will be closed. However, you can apply for a guest Solis-id in the university library which gives you access to the IT facilities and services of the library (see the tab: Solis-id for guests).
For instance, did you not receive your Solis-id or Solis password? Please contact us. IT manuals can be found on our manuals website.