13 results

  • Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Discover the history and culture of the great pre-modern civilisations. This interdisciplinary research programme offers you flexibility to focus on your academic interests.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Art History Immerse yourself in traditional and innovative approaches to the history of art. You will acquire the theoretical insights and practical experience necessary for a career in academia or the museum world.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Comparative Literary Studies Learn to analyse the ways in which literature interacts with (and reflects on) its cultural and social environment against the background of globalisation and new media technologies.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Conflict Studies and Human Rights This Masterā€™s programme Conflict Studies and Human Rights focuses on the analysis of contemporary violent conflict with an emphasis on the interconnectedness of violence.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Diergeneeskunde Opleiding tot dierenarts met richtingen in gezondheidszorg voor gezelschapsdieren, landbouwhuisdieren en paarden.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    3 years
  • Gender Studies (research) Learn to critically analyse how gender intersects with other social and historical categories such as race, class, age, religion and sexuality.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • History Learn advanced research skills whilst developing historical expertise in your specific areas of interest. You will also be challenged to connect your work to ongoing scholarly debates and to reflect on current affairs.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • International Relations in Historical Perspective Prepare yourself for a future as a participant in the game of global politics. The programme bridges the historical and political science approaches of international relations. In this way, you get the best of both worlds.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year
  • Linguistics Learn how to conduct research in theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and language use. You will have the opportunity to specialise in your area of interest and do a research internship.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Media, Art and Performance Studies Specialise in new research areas and methodologies, necessary for investigating emerging media, performance and contemporary art forms within today's rapidly changing culture.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Musicology Get advanced research training into the study of Western music across different historical periods, and the complex relation of music and media.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur Ontwikkel je eigen profiel als onderzoeker en beschouwer van de Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur. In dit programma wordt de Nederlandse literatuur in een transnationaal perspectief geplaatst.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years
  • Philosophy Prepare yourself to participate in the current debates in the international philosophical community and develop your own research contributions to the field.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    2 years