StudyLense project

Effective learning support in a large university course can be challenging as the link between a teacher and a student becomes very thin. In such a setting, students’ motivation becomes a crucial factor, especially with regard to self-regulated learning activity at home. Supporting students’ motivation helps them stay engaged with learning material and resolve some of the learning difficulties on their own. In this project, we explore different methods for personalized support of student motivation. In particular, we plan to look into social comparison as a vehicle to engage students’ with non-mandatory education content. Preliminary research shows that it can be an effective motivational factor helping students self-regulate their learning better. The project will be implemented in the framework of several courses at the department of Biology. The main tool will be developed as a new dashboard of the learning analytics platform StudyLens. The project is funded by the USO fund of the Beta faculty. It ruins from 01/05/22 until 30/04/23.

Contact person and email address:

Sergey Sosnovsky (

Do you offer opportunities for student internships or research on this project? Yes. 

See project website for further details.