LA projects
An overview of learning analytics (LA) projects can be found below. The projects are ordered by the group they are intended to support most directly.
Interested in starting your own LA project?
Check out the LA team's intranet page for what is needed to start an LA project or contact team LA directly.
LA for students
The F-ACT dashboard
The F-ACT dashboard has been specifically developed to address individual differences in academic writing competencies and support needs among students. The dashboard collects all the received assessments and feedback conveniently in one place and shows which competencies and related skills a student scores high and low on. This way the students know what they are doing well and where they need to pay more attention. In addition, the F-ACT dashboard provides a number of suggestions for resources the students can consult for each skill
Thermos project
The overall goal is to support students in improving aspects of study behavior by: helping them to assess important aspects of study behavior, to communicate students’ study behavior profile to provide them with insight, and to help them develop through actionable feedback.
StudyLense project
In this project, we explore different methods for personalized support of student motivation. In particular, we plan to look into social comparison as a vehicle to engage students’ with non-mandatory education content.
Assessment of students' statistics skills
This project aimed to study and apply psychometric methods to obtain detailed diagnostic information about students’ skills from their item response data in the domain of statistics education. In addition, we aim to study effects of providing such diagnostic feedback on students’ learning processes.
LA for teachers
DACE - A dashboard for course evaluation
In this project a dashboard will be developed that combines insights from Caracal evaluations with other sources of information. In this dashboard, all relevant course information can be found. The goal of this project is to enable course coordinators to evaluate and (re)design their course based on the information in the dashboard.
Teacher dashboard course activity regulation
In academic year 2024 - 2025 we will start with a dashboard for teachers that gives an overview of how students interact with the offered course materials. The goal is that teachers can support students by providing additional information (which materials might be more useful) to get the most out of the course thereby increasing the students' success.
Xerte teacher dashboard
Xerte is an educational application offered by Utrecht University (UU) to teachers to create online modules (e-modules). The goal of this project is to improve the content of Xerte e-modules and adapt the course material based on so-called learning traces of students, such as how students answer questions in the e-modules. Based on this information, questions could be rephrased or specific feedback regarding the correct answer could be given.
LA for study advisors
Study advisor dashboard
The aim of this project is to develop a dashboard for study advisors that provides a clear overview of the students under their care, including their (potential) study delay.
LA for program directors
What study paths do students choose?
Students usually have quite some options to choose from in terms of courses and the order in which to enroll in courses. At the bachelor program Earth Sciences, the program directors wanted to find out what study paths students choose. In collaboration with team Learning Analytics, analyses were performed to discover these paths.