Learning Analytics is about gaining insights from study data with the aim of improving education. It has become an essential tool in shaping and improving the quality of education. That is one of the reasons the UU as incorporated LA in the strategic plan.

Learning Analytics (LA) is closely connected to the vision of education outlined in the Educational Model of the UU. In particular the areas of self-directed learning and the focus on reflection and research into education tie in with the aims of LA. Team LA at the central offices supports LA  initiatives aimed at supporting various groups such as:

  • Students: can we provide students insight into their skills and competences to enhance self-directed learning?
  • Teachers: can we use insights on students' use of course materials to evaluate and (re)design courses?
  • Study advisors: what factors predict study delay? 
  • Program directors: can we visualize the paths students take in our curriculum?

A central LA team

A central LA team that supports LA initiatives is based in the corporate offices. Curious about what the LA team does? Watch our video! 

Starting your own LA project at the UU

If you have an idea for an LA project, reach out to the LA team via learninganalytics@uu.nl or look at the intranetsite for more information.

Other activities of the LA team

Our main mission is to support LA initiatives by offering advice and a technical infrastructure. Examples of projects we have supported can be found on our the LA Projects page. We also aim to contribute to knowledge sharing between all UU employees interested in LA. For example, we arrange four webinars per year and we regularly organize workshops. See the LA Events page for more details. We also share our work publicly, for example our LA policy and the presentations we held at conferences and other events. See our LA Resources page for our output. Finally, our Blog page contains the latest news of what we have been working on.