Studying from home: this is how you keep yourself motivated

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You’re staring out of the window while you lay in bed with your laptop open. Once again you are expected to fill a full study day on your own. You used to have lectures and seminars which gave you something to work towards to. Now they are mostly online and keeping up with the study material is even more difficult. You really do want to study but somehow you seem unable to find the motivation to get started and keep going.  During this webinar you will learn how motivation works and you will get practical insights that can help you get your study back on track.

See all our webinars

How can you study effectively at home, how do you study with overview (and insight), and how do you motivate yourself to get started? In the coming period you can follow (free) webinars from our study skills trainers, in which these topics are discussed. During the webinar there is also room for questions.

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