Managing for Public Service Performance
Zojuist verschenen: Managing for Public Service Performance. How People and Values Make a Difference (Oxford University Press), onder redactie van Peter Leisink, Eva Knies, and Wouter Vandenabeele van het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) en van Lotte B. Andersen, Gene A. Brewer, Christian B. Jacobsen. Over de hele wereld worden publieke organisaties geconfronteerd met maatschappelijke uitdagingen die samenhangen met globalisering, migratie, gezondheidscrises, nationale veiligheid en klimaatverandering. Om deze uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden, biedt dit boek nieuwe richtingen om publieke organisaties in de praktijk te helpen verbeteren.
(Het boek en de tekst hieronder zijn in het Engels)
New directions for research and a framework
This book takes a multidisciplinary, critical, and context-sensitive approach to address such questions. Through a comparative review of public administration research, it examines a variety of management aspects such as leadership behaviour, human resource management, performance, diversity, and change management. It also critically reflects on how the context of the public sector affects the management-performance relationship in democratic societies, as well as the influence of numerous stakeholders and their beliefs about the nature and purpose of public service. By clarifying conceptual issues and taking a theoretical and evidence-based approach to the relationships between management and performance, this book offers new directions for research and a framework to help improve public services in practice.
More information
You can find more information about Managing for Public Service Performance. How People and Values Make a Difference on the Oxford University Press website.