Environmental protection at sea

What is the role for a private actor in arranging maritime environmental protection?
The IOS Platform Markets and Corporations is currently involved in research projects with Sea Rangers. A multidisciplinary and multi-angle approach will result in a comprehensive answer to the problems faced by an initiative that tackles societal and environmental issues in the center of public attention, while operating on the borders of the private and the public.
The following sub-projects are currently pending:
- the ethical aspects of the Sea Ranger approach and the impact thereof on the discussion revolving around various societal sustainability dilemma’s
- the effectivity and impact of the Sea Ranger Service innovative entrepreneurship
- the role of the Sea Ranger Service as a private party for novel supervisory arrangements for environmental protection
IOS Scholars: dr. Liesbeth Feikema; dr. Marie-Jeanne Schiffelers; prof. dr. Judith van Erp