UniStem Day 2019
UniStem Day now also in The Netherlands

What started ten years ago in Milan, Italy, is now celebrated on the same day in 15 countries on 4 continents. On March 14 2019, school children go to 99 universities to join the trip of stem cell research. This year's focus will be Knowledge and Inovation.
Utrecht University decided to join in 2019 and local organizer dr. Massimiliano Caiazzo from the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, hopes to extend this to other Dutch Universities in years to come.
This first time will be organised in the Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences with the help of scientists of the Regenerative Medicines and Stem Cells hub of the Life Sciences collaboration of the University, the UMCU and the Hubrecht laboratory.
UniStem Day is timely: on March 5, a Nature Biotechnology article was published on "mini kidneys". And that is not fake news, although these organoids do not yet resemble our own kidneys.
The maximum of 80 high school students from schools, participating in U-Talent, have registered for the UniStem Day programme in the David de Wied Building, room M2.01 (just above the reception desk). Despite the national student strike announced for that day.
We hope they will enjoy it.The majority of the programme will be in Dutch.
10:00-10:05 | Welcome by dr. Ed Moret, UIPS managing director |
10:05-10:20 | “History of Medicine”, dr. Ed Moret |
10:20-10:40 | “Entering the cell”, prof.dr. Enrico Mastrobattista |
10:40-11:00 | “How to turn skin into brain”, dr. Massimiliano Caiazzo |
11:00-11:20 | Break |
11:20-11:40 | “Hydrogels and Stem Cells”, dr. Tina Vermonden |
11:40-12:00 | “Printing organs”, Margo Terpstra, MSc (UMCU) |
12:00-12:20 | 3D printing demonstration |
12:20-12:40 | “How to change our DNA”, dr. Pascale Dijkers (Hubrecht Lab) |
12:40-13:00 | Snacks and drinks |