National Newspapers - Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS) - Utrecht University Skip to main content National Newspapers
7 April 2021, Interview with Ton Baars in BN De Stem
28 March 2021, Roos Masereeuw in Brabants Dagblad
8 January 2021, Aletta Kraneveld in NRC Next
21 December 2020, Interview with Marcel Bouvy in Reformatorisch Dagblad
22 October 2020, Johan Garssen in De Volkskrant
31 August 2020, Aukje Mantel in NRC
2 January 2019, Volkskrant, Research of Linda Henricks and Jan Schellens
16 October 2018, Interview with Ton de Boer in Financieel Dagblad
10 October 2018, Interview with Ton de Boer on
9 October 2018, Interview with Aris Prins and Marcel Bouvy in the Volkskrant
18 September 2018, Christiaan Vinkers and Mechiel Korte on
21 July 2018, Interview with Marcel Bouvy on
10 May 2018, Interview with Jan Schellens and Jos Beijnen in the Volkskrant
October 30, 2017, interview in Nederlands Dagblad with Mette Heringa
September 27, 2017, thesis Kim Notenboom in the news
August 17, 2017, interview with Toine Pieters in NRC on drug pricing
July 29, 2017, interview with Bert Leufkens in NRC on drug regulation
July 3, 2017: Nederlands Dagblad reports about publication Geert-Jan Boons
June 17, 2017: Spinoza interviews with Albert Heck
June 4, 2017: interviews with Huub Schellekens on magistral preparation
May 16, 2017: interview with Fatima Suleman in NRC on drug pricing
March 30, 2017: interview in de Telegraaf with Aletta Kraneveld during Meet the professor
December 17, 2016: Joris Langedijk, Klungel, Leufkens, Schellens interviewed in Trouw about drug repurposing
November 15, 2016: opinion of Jan Schellens in de Volkskrant about drug prices
April 20, 2016, Bert Leufkens interviewed by NRC about quality of drug studies
May 2, 2015, Aletta Kraneveld interviewed by de Volkskrant about gut-brain a
April 4, 2015, Jan Schellens on PARP inhibitors in de Volkskrant
December 2014, coverage of Huub Schellekens making the Pompe drug cheaply
December 2014, coverage of work by a large consortium on the reprogramming of stem cells, which also included publications by Albert Heck
June 25, 2014, coverage by de Volkskrant of the thesis from Caroline de Theije
March 15, 2014, coverage by NRC of a publication by Piet Gros and Albert Heck together with the company GenMab about hexameric antibodies
March 28, 2014, Jan Schellens in de Volkskrant on a magic mixture of drugs
January 14, 2014, coverage by NRC of the thesis from Floor van Heesch
December 23, 2013: opinion of Jan Schellens in de Volkskrant on drug prices
March 4, 2013, interview with Bert Leufkens in Trouw on Diane pill
August 11, 2012: interview in de Volkskrant with Huub Schellekens about patents