Commissioned Research and externally funded research
Within the Montaigne Centre, many studies are conducted which are commissioned by (international) third parties or funded by organisations such as the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences or the European Union. Our researchers have for instance engaged in research commissioned by the WODC, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.
Examples of currently ongoing contract research are:
- A research project on constitutional dialogues and feedback loops, by Hilke Grootelaar, under the supervision of inter alia Eddy Bauw and Janneke Gerards (research financed by the Thorbecke Fund of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
- ‘Improving protection of fundamental rights and access to legal aid for remand prisoners in the European Union’, by Pauline Jacobs and Joep Lindeman (research commissioned by DG Justice of the European Commission)
The Montaigne Centre is always prepared to think along with you about new contract research projects. Feel free to contact us to explore the possibilities.