IMAU publications 2016
IMAU Publications 2016
- 25 January 2016 – N.C. Alebregtse
Modeling the hydrodynamics in tidal networks
Promotor: prof. dr. H.E. de Swart - 26 January 2016 – A. Rabitti
Understanding the equatorial ocean: theoretical and observational studies
Promotor: Prof. dr. Leo Maas
Copromotor: Dr. Hans van Haren and Dr. Theo Gerkema - 2 March 2016 – J.M. van Wessem
High-resolution climate modelling of Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula
Promotor: Prof. dr. M.R. van den Broeke
Copromotor: Dr. C.H. Tijm-Reijmer and Dr. W.J. van de Berg - 25 April 2016 – A.J.J. Tantet
Ergodic Theory of Climate: Variability, Stability and Response
Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. H.A. Dijkstra - 25 May 2016 - F.A. Stap
Aerosol retrievals from multi-angle, multi-wavelength, photo-polarimetric observations near clouds
Promotors: Prof. dr. T. Roeckmann, Dr. O.P. Hasekamp - 8 June 2016 - W. Ridderinkhof
Morphodynamics of ebb-tidal deltas
Promotors: Prof. dr. H.E. de Swart, Prof. dr. P. Hoekstra, Dr. M. van der Vegt - 22 June 2016 - Mw. L. Hahn-Woernle
Estimation of upper ocean vertical mixing from surface ocean lour observations
Promotors: Prof. dr. ir. H.A. Dijkstra, Dr. H.J. van der Woerd - 4 July 2016 - L.P. Ponsoni
An observational study of the western boundary currents in the Indian and South Atlantic Oceans
Promotors: Prof.dr. L. Maas, Dr. B. Aguiar - Gonzalez
Reviewed Scientific Publications
1. Aaron-Morrison, A. P., Ackerman, S. A., Adams, N. G., Adler, R. F., Albanil, A., Alfaro, E. J., ... Young, T. (2016). State of the climate in 2015. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(8), S1-S275. DOI: 10.1175/2016BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
2. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Centrality Dependence of the Charged-Particle Multiplicity Density at Midrapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN=5.02TeV. Physical Review Letters, 116(22), [222302]. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.222302
3. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Centrality dependence of ψ(2S) suppression in p-Pb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ {\sqrt{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}=5.02 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(6). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2016)050
4. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Centrality dependence of ψ(2S) suppression in p-Pb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ {\sqrt{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}=5.02 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(6). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2016)050
5. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at s N N = 2.76 $$ \sqrt{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(9). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2016)028
6. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at s N N = 2.76 $$ \sqrt{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(9). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2016)028
7. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Higher harmonic flow coefficients of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at s N N = 2.76 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(9). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2016)164
8. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Higher harmonic flow coefficients of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at s N N = 2.76 $$ \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=2.76 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(9). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP09(2016)164
9. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Measurement of an Excess in the Yield of J/ψ at Very Low p T in Pb–Pb Collisions at s √ NN =2.76 TeV. Physical Review Letters, 116(22). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.222301
10. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Measurement of D-meson production versus multiplicity in p-Pb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ \sqrt{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(8). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2016)078
11. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Measurement of D-meson production versus multiplicity in p-Pb collisions at s N N = 5.02 $$ \sqrt{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02 $$ TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(8). DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2016)078
12. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Measurement of transverse energy at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at s NN − − − √ =2.76 TeV. Physical Review X, 94(3). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.034903
13. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Measurement of transverse energy at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at s NN − − − √ =2.76 TeV. Physical Review X, 94(3). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.034903
14. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Production of light nuclei and anti-nuclei in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review X, 93(2). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024917
15. Adam, J., Adamová, D., Aggarwal, M. M., Aglieri Rinella, G., Agnello, M., Agrawal, N., ... Zyzak, M. (2016). Production of light nuclei and anti-nuclei in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review X, 93(2). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024917
16. Alebregtse, N. C. (2016). Modeling the hydrodynamics in tidal networks Utrecht University
17. Alebregtse, N. C., & de Swart, H. E. (2016). Effect of river discharge and geometry on tides and net water transport in an estuarine network, an idealized model applied to the Yangtze Estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 123, 29-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2016.03.028
18. Baatsen, M., van Hinsbergen, D. J. J., von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H. A., Sluijs, A., Abels, H. A., & Bijl, P. K. (2016). Reconstructing geographical boundary conditions for palaeoclimate modelling during the Cenozoic. Climate of the Past, 12, 1635-1644. DOI: 10.5194/cp-12-1635-2016
19. Batenburg, A., Popa, M., Vermeulen, A., Van Den Bulk, W., Jongejan, P., Fisher, R., ... Röckmann, T. (2016). Observations of molecular hydrogen mixing ratio and stable isotopic composition at the Cabauw tall tower in the Netherlands. Atmospheric Environment, 147, 98-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.09.058
20. Batenburg, A., Popa, M., Vermeulen, A., Van Den Bulk, W., Jongejan, P., Fisher, R., ... Röckmann, T. (2016). Observations of molecular hydrogen mixing ratio and stable isotopic composition at the Cabauw tall tower in the Netherlands. Atmospheric Environment, 147, 98-108. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.09.058
21. Berndt, S. I., Camp, N. J., Skibola, C. F., Vijai, J., Wang, Z., Gu, J., ... Slager, S. L. (2016). Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies discovers multiple loci for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nature Communications [E], 7, 10933. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10933
22. Box, J. E., Sharp, M. J., Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., Ananicheva, M., Andersen, M., Carr, R., ... van Wychen, W. (2016). Changes to Arctic Land Ice. In Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere. Oslo, Norway: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).
23. Chen, W., & De Swart, H. E. (2016). Dynamic links between shape of the eddy viscosity profile and the vertical structure of tidal current amplitude in bays and estuaries. Ocean Dynamics, 66(3), 299-312. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-015-0919-6
24. de Bruine, M., Apituley, A., Donovan, D., Klein Baltink, H., & de Haij, M. (2016). Pathfinder: Applying graph theory for consistent tracking of daytime mixed layer height with backscatter lidar. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions.
25. de Vries, H., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016). Response to commentary by J. L. Bamber, W. P. Aspinall and R. M. Cooke (2016). Climatic Change, 1-4. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-016-1712-3
26. Egger, M. J., Kraal, P., Jilbert, T. S., Sulu-Gambari, F. A., Sapart, C. J., Roeckmann, T., & Slomp, C. P. (2016). Anaerobic oxidation of methane alters sediment records of sulfur, iron and phosphorus in the Black Sea. Biogeosciences, 13, 5333-5355. DOI: 10.5194/bg-13-5333-2016
27. Egger, M. J., Lenstra, W. K., Jong, D., Meysman, F., Sapart, C. J., van der Veen, C., ... Slomp, C. P. (2016). Rapid sediment accumulation results in high methane effluxes from coastal sediments. PLoS One, 11(8), [e0161609]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161609
28. Egger, M. J., Lenstra, W. K., Jong, D., Meysman, F., Sapart, C. J., van der Veen, C., ... Slomp, C. P. (2016). Rapid sediment accumulation results in high methane effluxes from coastal sediments. PLoS One, 11(8), [e0161609]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161609
29. Eyer, S., Tuzson, B., Popa, M. E., Van Der Veen, C., Röckmann, T., Rothe, M., ... Mohn, J. (2016). Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: method development and first intercomparison results. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(1), 263-280. DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-263-2016
30. Eyer, S., Tuzson, B., Popa, M. E., Van Der Veen, C., Röckmann, T., Rothe, M., ... Mohn, J. (2016). Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy: method development and first intercomparison results. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(1), 263-280. DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-263-2016
31. Fraser, A. D., Nigro, M. A., Ligtenberg, S. R. M., Legresy, B., Inoue, M., Cassano, J. J., ... Enomot, H. (2016). Drivers of ASCAT C band backscatter variability in the dry snow zone of Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 62(231), 170-184. DOI: 10.1017/jog.2016.29
32. Hagens, M., Egger, M. J., Mogollon, J. M., Tsandev, I., Sapart, C. J., Dijkstra, N., ... Slomp, C. P. (2016). Diagenetic alterations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene deep Baltic Sea sedimentary record. Poster session presented at NAC 13, Veldhoven, Netherlands.
33. Hahn-Woernle, L. (2016). Estimation of Upper Ocean Vertical Mixing from Surface Ocean Colour Observations Utrecht University
34. Hofmann, M. E. G., Horvath, B., Schneider, L., Peters, W., Schuetzenmeister, K., & Pack, A. (2016). Atmospheric measurements of Δ17O in CO2 in Göttingen, Germany reveal seasonal cycle driven by biospheric uptake, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
35. Hubbard, B., Luckman, A., Ashmore, D., Bevan, S., Kulessa, B., Kuipers Munneke, P., ... Rutt, I. (2016). Massive subsurface ice formed by refreezing of ice-shelf melt ponds. Nature Communications [E], 7(11897). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11897
36. Khan, S. A., Sasgen, I., Bevis, M., van Dam, T., Bamber, J. L., Wahr, J., ... Munneke, P. K. (2016). Geodetic measurements reveal similarities between posttextendashLast Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet. Science advances, 2(9). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600931
37. Köhler, P., Stap, L. B., von der Heydt, A. S., de Boer, B., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016). Technical Note: Calculating state dependent equilibrium climate sensitivity from palaeodata. Climate of the Past Discussions, 2016(23), 1-13. DOI: 10.5194/cp-2016-23
38. Köhler, P., Stap, L. B., von der Heydt, A. S., de Boer, B., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016). Technical Note: Calculating state dependent equilibrium climate sensitivity from palaeodata. Climate of the Past Discussions, 2016(23), 1-13. DOI: 10.5194/cp-2016-23
39. Lunt, D. J., Huber, M., Baatsen, M. L. J., Caballero, R., DeConto, R., Donnadieu, Y., ... Zeebe, R. (2016). DeepMIP: experimental design for model simulations of the EECO, PETM, and pre-PETM. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2016, 1-16. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-2016-127
40. Maas, L. R. M. (2016). Zwemmers op zoek naar een vast punt. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 82(6), 188-191.
41. Machguth, H., MacFerrin, M., van As, D., Box, J. E., Charalampidis, C., Colgan, W., ... van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016). Greenland meltwater storage in firn limited by near-surface ice formation. Nature Climate Change, 6(4), 390-393. DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2899
42. Machiela, M. J., Lan, Q., Slager, S. L., Vermeulen, R. C. H., Teras, L. R., Camp, N. J., ... Rothman, N. (2016). Genetically predicted longer telomere length is associated with increased risk of B-cell lymphoma subtypes. Human Molecular Genetics, 25(8), 1663-76. DOI: 10.1093/hmg/ddw027
43. McMillan, M., Leeson, A., Shepherd, A., Briggs, K., Armitage, T., Hogg, A., ... Gilbert, L. (2016). A high-resolution record of Greenland mass balance. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7002-7010. DOI: 10.1002/2016GL069666
44. Möller, M., Obleitner, F., Reijmer, C. H., Pohjola, V. A., Glowacki, P., & Kohler, J. (2016). Adjustment of regional climate model output for modeling the climatic mass balance of all glaciers on Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(10), 5411-5424. DOI: 10.1002/2015JD024380
45. Mortimer, C., Sharp, M., & Wouters, B. (2016). Glacier surface temperatures in the Canadian High Arctic, 2000–15. Journal of Glaciology, 62(235), 963–975. DOI: 10.1017/jog.2016.80
46. Mrozek, D. J., van der Veen, C., Hofmann, M. E. G., Chen, H., Kivi, R., Heikkinen, P., & Roeckmann, T. (2016). Stratospheric Air Sub-sampler (SAS) and its application to analysis of Δ17O(CO2) from small air samples collected with an AirCore. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions.
47. Mrozek, D. J., van der Veen, C., Hofmann, M. E. G., Chen, H., Kivi, R., Heikkinen, P., & Roeckmann, T. (2016). Stratospheric Air Sub-sampler (SAS) and its application to analysis of Δ17O(CO2) from small air samples collected with an AirCore. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions.
48. Muresan, I. S., Khan, S. A., Aschwanden, A., Khroulev, C., Van Dam, T., Bamber, J., ... Kjær, K. H. (2016). Modelled glacier dynamics over the last quarter of a century at Jakobshavn Isbræ. The Cryosphere, 10(2), 597-611. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-597-2016
49. Ostler, A., Sussmann, R., Patra, P. K., Houweling, S., de Bruine, M., Stiller, G. P., ... Robinson, J. (2016). Evaluation of column-averaged methane in models and TCCON with a focus on the stratosphere. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(9), 4843-4859.
50. Pandey, S. (2016). Inverse modeling of GOSAT-retrieved ratios of total column CH4 and CO2 for 2009 and 2010. Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 16, 5043-5062. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-5043-2016
51. Paul, D. Radiocarbon: detection, contamination, and determination
52. Paul, D., & Meijer, H. A. J. (2016). Reply to Comment Submitted by Murnick et al. on "Intracavity OptoGalvanic Spectroscopy Not Suitable for Ambient Level Radiocarbon Detection". Analytical Chemistry, 88(8), 4574-7. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b00473
53. Paul, D., Been, H. A., Aerts-bijma, A. T., & Meijer, H. A. J. (2016). Contamination on AMS Sample Targets by Modern Carbon is Inevitable. Radiocarbon, 58(02), 407-418. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2016.9
54. Paul, D., Chen, H., Been, H. A., Kivi, R., & Meijer, H. A. J. (2016). Radiocarbon analysis of stratospheric CO<sub>2</sub> retrieved from AirCore sampling. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(10), 4997-5006. DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-4997-2016
55. Poland, M., Ten Klooster, J. P., Wang, Z., Pieters, R., Boekschoten, M., Witkamp, R., & Meijerink, J. (2016). Docosahexaenoyl serotonin, an endogenously formed n-3 fatty acid-serotonin conjugate has anti-inflammatory properties by attenuating IL-23-IL-17 signaling in macrophages. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1861(12 Pt A), 2020-2028. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2016.09.012
56. Ponsoni, L. (2016). An observational study of the western boundary currents in the Indian and South Atlantic Oceans Utrecht University
57. Ponsoni, L., Aguiar-Gonzalez, B., Ridderinkhof, H., & Maas, L. R. M. (2016). The East Madagascar Current: Volume Transport and Variability Based on Long-Term Observations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, 1045-1065. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0154.1
58. Ridderinkhof, W. (2016). Morphodynamics of ebb-tidal deltas Utrecht University
59. Ridderinkhof, W., de Swart, H. E., van der Vegt, M., & Hoekstra, P. (2016). Modeling the growth and migration of sandy shoals on ebb-tidal deltas. Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface, 121(7), 1351-1372. DOI: 10.1002/2016JF003823
60. Rimac, A., von Storch, J-S., & Eden, C. (2016). The Total Energy Flux Leaving the Ocean's Mixed Layer. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46(6), 1885-1900. DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-15-0115.1
61. Röckmann, T., Eyer, S., van der Veen, C., Popa, M. E., Tuzson, B., Monteil, G., ... Mohn, J. (2016). In situ observations of the isotopic composition of methane at the Cabauw tall tower site. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(16), 10469-10487. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-10469-2016
62. Röckmann, T., Eyer, S., van der Veen, C., Popa, M. E., Tuzson, B., Monteil, G., ... Mohn, J. (2016). In situ observations of the isotopic composition of methane at the Cabauw tall tower site. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(16), 10469-10487. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-10469-2016
63. Röckmann, T., Eyer, S., van der Veen, C., Popa, M. E., Tuzson, B., Monteil, G., ... Mohn, J. (2016). In situ observations of the isotopic composition of methane at the Cabauw tall tower site. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(16), 10469-10487. DOI: 10.5194/acp-16-10469-2016
64. Röckmann, T., Popa, M. E., Krol, M. C., & Hofmann, M. E. G. (2016). Statistical clumped isotope signatures. Scientific Reports, 6, 31947. DOI: 10.1038/srep31947
65. Röckmann, T., Popa, M. E., Krol, M. C., & Hofmann, M. E. G. (2016). Statistical clumped isotope signatures. Scientific Reports, 6, 31947. DOI: 10.1038/srep31947
66. Seehaus, T. C., Marinsek, S., Skvarca, P., van Wessem, J. M., Reijmer, C. H., Seco, J. L., & Braun, M. (2016). Dynamic response of Sjögren Inlet glaciers, Antarctic Peninsula, to ice shelf breakup derived from multi-mission remote sensing time series. Frontiers in Earth Science, 4, 1-13. [66]. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2016.00066
67. Sijp, W. P., von der Heydt, A. S., & Bijl, P. K. (2016). Model simulations of early westward flow across the Tasman Gateway during the early Eocene. Climate of the Past, 12(4), 807-817. DOI: 10.5194/cp-12-807-2016
68. Sperlich, P., Uitslag, N. A. M., Richter, J. M., Rothe, M., Geilmann, H., van der Veen, C., ... Brand, W. A. (2016). Development and evaluation of a suite of isotope reference gases for methane in air. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(8), 3717-3737. DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-3717-2016
69. Sperlich, P., Uitslag, N. A. M., Richter, J. M., Rothe, M., Geilmann, H., van der Veen, C., ... Brand, W. A. (2016). Development and evaluation of a suite of isotope reference gases for methane in air. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9(8), 3717-3737. DOI: 10.5194/amt-9-3717-2016
70. Stap, F. A. (2016). Aerosol retrievals from multi-angle, multi-wavelength, photo-polarimetric observations near clouds Utrecht University
71. Stap, F. A., Hasekamp, O. P., Emde, C., & Roeckmann, T. (2016). Influence of 3D effects on 1D aerosol retrievals in synthetic, partially clouded scenes. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 170, 54-68. DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.10.008
72. Stap, L. B., de Boer, B., Ziegler, M., Bintanja, R., Lourens, L. J., & van de Wal, R. S. W. (2016). CO2 over the past 5 million years: Continuous simulation and new δ11B-based proxy data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 439, 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.01.022
73. Tantet, A. J. J. (2016). Ergodic theory of climate: variability, stability and response Utrecht University
74. Upadhyay, M. R., Chen, W., Lenstra, J. A., Goderie, C. R. J., MacHugh, D. E., Park, S. D. E., ... European Cattle Genetic Diversity Consortium (2016). Genetic origin, admixture and population history of aurochs (Bos primigenius) and primitive European cattle. Heredity. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2016.79
75. van As, D., Fausto, R. S., Cappelen, J., van de Wal, R. S. W., Braithwaite, R. J., & Machguth, H. (2016). Placing Greenland ice sheet ablation measurements in a multi-decadal context. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, (35), 71-74.
76. Van Den Broeke, M. R., Enderlin, E. M., Howat, I. M., Kuipers Munneke, P., Noël, B. P. Y., Jan Van De Berg, W., ... Wouters, B. (2016). On the recent contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to sea level change. The Cryosphere, 10(5), 1933-1946. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-1933-2016
77. van Wessem, J. M. (2016). High-resolution climate modelling of Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula Utrecht University
78. Viebahn, J. P., von der Heydt, A. S., Le Bars, D. M., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016). Effects of Drake Passage on a strongly eddying global ocean. Paleoceanography, 31(5), 564-581. DOI: 10.1002/2015PA002888
79. von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H., van de Wal, R. S. W., Caballero, R., Crucifix, M., Foster, G. L., ... Ziegler, M. (2016). Lessons on Climate Sensitivity From Past Climate Changes. Current Climate Change Reports, 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s40641-016-0049-3
80. von der Heydt, A. S., Dijkstra, H., van de Wal, R. S. W., Caballero, R., Crucifix, M., Foster, G. L., ... Ziegler, M. (2016). Lessons on Climate Sensitivity From Past Climate Changes. Current Climate Change Reports, 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/s40641-016-0049-3
81. Walter, S., Kock, A., Steinhoff, T., Fiedler, B., Fietzek, P., Kaiser, J., ... Röckmann, T. (2016). Isotopic evidence for biogenic molecular hydrogen production in the Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences, 13(1), 323-340. DOI: 10.5194/bg-13-323-2016
82. Wang, W., Zender, C. S., van As, D., Smeets, P. C. J. P., & van den Broeke, M. R. (2016). A Retrospective, Iterative, Geometry-Based (RIGB) tilt-correction method for radiation observed by automatic weather stations on snow-covered surfaces: application to Greenland. The Cryosphere, 10(2), 727-741. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-727-2016
83. Wieners, C. E., de Ruijter, W. P. M., Ridderinkhof, W., von der Heydt, A. S., & Dijkstra, H. A. (2016). Coherent tropical Indo-Pacific interannual climate variability. Journal of Climate, 29, 4269-4291. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0262.1
84. Wolken, G., Sharp, M. J., Andreassen, L. M., Arendt, A. A., Burgess, D. J., Cogley, J. G., ... Wouters, B. (2016). [The Arctic] Glaciers and ice caps outside Greenland [in “State of the Climate in 2015”]. In State of the Climate in 2015. (8 ed., Vol. 97). (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society). DOI: 10.1175/2016BAMSStateoftheClimate.1
85. Xu, Z., Schrama, E. J. O., van der Wal, W., van den Broeke, M., & Enderlin, E. M. (2016). Improved GRACE regional mass balance estimates of the Greenland ice sheet cross-validated with the input-output method. The Cryosphere, 10(2), 895-912. DOI: 10.5194/tc-10-895-2016
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