Discussion Papers 2011 - Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) - Utrecht University Skip to main content Discussion Papers 2011
- 11-25: Kris De Jaegher, Robert van Rooij: Game-Theoretic Pragmatics Under Conflicting and Common Interests
Abstract - 11-24: Andreas Buehn, Mohammad Reza Farzanega: Hold Your Breath: A New Index of Air Quality
Abstract - 11-23: Femke van Esch, Eelke de Jong: Culture Matters: French-German Conflicts on European Central Bank Independence
Abstract - 11-22: Daniel Possenriede, Janneke Plantenga: Access to FLexible Work Arrangements, Working-Time Fit and Job Satisfaction
Abstract - 11-21: Ivo Arnold, Clemens Kool, Katharina Raabe: Industry Effects of Bank Lending in Germany
Abstract - 11-20: Nils Holinski, Clemens Kool, Joan Muysken: The Impact of International Portfolio Composition on Consumption Risk Sharing
Abstract - 11-19: Martijn A. Boermans, Mark A.C. Kattenberg: Estimating Reliability Coefficients with Heterogeneous Item Weightings Using Stata: A Factor Based Approach
Abstract - 11-18: Marco P. Tucci, David A. Kendrick, Hans M. Amman: Expected Optimal Feedback with Time-Varying Parameters
Abstract - 11-17: David A. Kendrick, Hans M. Amman: A Taylor Rule for Fiscal Policy
Abstract - 11-16: Joras Ferwerda, Mark Kattenberg, Han-Hsin Chang, Brigitte Unger, Loek Groot, Jacob A. Bikker: Gravity Models of Trade-Based Money Laundering
Abstract - 11-15: Jacob A. Bikker, Thijs Knaap, Ward E. Romp: Real Pension Rights as a Control Mechanism for Pension Fund Solvency
Abstract - 11-14: Han-Hsin Chang, Charles van Marrewijk: Firm Heterogeneity and Development: Evidence from Latin American Countries (new version)
Abstract - 11-13: Menno Middeldorp: FOMC Communication Policy and the Accuracy of Fed Funds Futures
Abstract - 11-12: Menno Middeldorp: Central Bank Transparency, the Accuracy of Professional Forecasts, and Interest Rate Volatility
Abstract - 11-11: Janko Gorter, Jacob Bikker: Investment Risk Taking by Institutional Investors
Abstract - 11-10: Manuel Flores, Adriaan S. Kalwij: The Associations Between Early Life Circumstances and Later Life Health and Employment in the Netherlands and Spain
Abstract - 11-09: Yusuf Emre Akgündüz, Janneke Plantenga: Labour Market Effects of Parental Leave: A European Perspective
Abstract - 11-08: Yusuf Emre Akgündüz, Janneke Plantenga: Child Care Prices and Female Labour Force Participation: A Meta-Analysis
Abstract - 11-07: Thomas van Huizen, Janneke Plantenga: Labour Market Effects of Unemployment Accounts: Insights from Behavioural Economics
Abstract - 11-06: Stephanie Rosenkranz, Utz Weitzel: Breaking and Entering’ of Contracts as a Matter of Bargaining Power and Exclusivity Clauses
Abstract - 11-05: Diemo Urbig, Utz Weitzel, Stephanie Rosenkranz, Arjen van Witteloostuijn: Exploiting Opportunities at all Cost? Entrepreneurial Intent and Externalities
Abstract - 11-04: Niels Bosma, Erik Stam, Sander Wennekers: Intrapreneurship Versus Independent Entrepreneurship: A Cross-National Analysis of Individual Entrepreneurial Behavior
Abstract - 11-03: Erik Stam, Bart Nooteboom: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Institutions
Abstract - 11-02: Jaap Bos, Erik Stam: Gazelles, Industry Growth and Structural Change
Abstract - 11-01: Rob Bailis, Barbara Sophia Koeb, Mark Sanders: Reducing Fuel Volatility - An Additional Benefit From Blending Bio-Fuels?