Working Papers 2023
The Working Papers of the Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) keep you informed about our research in progress.
Latest Working Papers
- 23-12: Dabed, D., Genz, S. & Rademakers,E., Resilience to Automation:The Role of Task Overlap for Job Finding. Abstract.
- 23-11: Curzi, D., Huysmans, M., Haase, O.K., Potable Intellectual Property: WTO TRIPS and EU Geographical Indication Wines. Abstract.
- 23-10: Nicolas, R., Titl, V., Schotanus, F., European funds and green public procurement. Abstract.
- 23-09: Huysmans, M., Gheyle, N., Regional representation in the European Parliament: Parliamentary Questions on Geographical Indications. Abstract.
- 23-08: Titl, V., The One and Only: Single-Bidding in Public Procurement. Abstract.
- 23-07: Schrijvers, M., Vogelaar, J.J., The impact of growth: Stakeholder value creation by high-growth firms. Abstract.
- 23-06: Wurth, B., Stam, E., Spigel, B., Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Mechanisms. Abstract.
- 23-05: Nkontwana, P., Stam, E., Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for the Africa we want. Abstract.
- 23-04: Noussair, C. N., Tucker, S., Xu, Y., Breaban, A., The Role of Emotions in Public Goods Games with and without Punishment Opportunities. Abstract.
- 23-03: Boumans, M., Materials Selection in Economic Modeling. Abstract.
- 23-02: Fritsch, M., Greve,M., Wyrwich, M., Shades of a Socialist Legacy? Innovation Activity in East and West Germany 1877-2014. Abstract.
- 23-01: Groenewegen, J.T.Hardeman, S., Stam, E., Organizational adaptiveness during COVID-19: The role of absorptive capacity and management practices. Abstract.