5 results

  • Applied Ethics Explore ethical theories in relation to actual practical dilemmas. You have the ability to develop a tailor-made programme, including an internship, geared to your career aspirations.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Gender Studies Become a professionally successful 'agent of change'. You will learn to develop sustainable perspectives in emancipation policies, diversity management, cultural initiatives and political activism.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Geschiedenis van politiek en maatschappij Ontwikkel een grondig begrip van de historische wortels van de belangrijkste politieke en maatschappelijke kwesties waar politici, journalisten en beleidsmakers zich vandaag de dag mee bezighouden.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • History of Politics and Society Develop a thorough understanding of the historical roots of the most important political and societal issues that politicians, journalists and policy makers are concerned with today.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)
  • Spatial Planning The Master's programme Spatial Planning trains you to solve conflicting interests on urban land.
    Language of instruction: 
    Study duration: 
    1 year, 2 years (part-time)