Citizen preparedness for COVID-19 vaccination

Online seminar


More and more people in the Netherlands currently obtain a COVID-19 vaccination. Many people are eager to get the vaccination, others are still in doubt on what is the best to do and again others do not want to get vaccinated at all. We invited two researchers to discuss with us how citizens are informed and influenced by the government and each other about their opinions towards COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr Mattijs Lambooij from the Corona Behavioral Unit of the RIVM will discuss how the RIVM monitors the vaccination intention and possible determinants of vaccination intention of Dutch citizens and how they advise the government on actions to inform citizens. Prof. Antal van den Bosch researches online platforms such as Twitter and tries to understand, among other things, how opinions form and spread through such online platforms also on COVID-19 vaccination.

At the end of the meeting there will be time to jointly discuss this phenomenon.

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Einddatum en -tijd
Microsoft Teams

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