PhD Programme Environmental Biology

General information

Utrecht University has organized the training for life science PhD candidates in the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GS-LS). This graduate school offers 15 different programmes, one of which is the PhD programme Environmental Biology.  This programme harbors ~70 PhD candidates who work in the groups Ecology & Biodiversity, Molecular Plant Physiology, Microbiology, Plant-Environment Signaling or Plant-Microbe Interactions, or whoms (co-)promotor is affiliated to one of the above-mentioned groups (external PhD candidates, e.g. from NIOO, WUR or research-based companies).

Most of the Environmental biology students also particpate in national research schools, such as Production Ecology & Resource Conservation (PE&RC) or Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS). Those students are encouraged to follow the training provided by those graduate schools and which is offered on their respective websites:

Summerschools and seminars organized by the Institute of Environmental biology (IEB) will be announced through email and on the IEB website. Most generic training provided by the GS-LS is announced on PhD Course Centre GSLS.

Admission to the programme

PhD students whose (co-) promotor is affiliated with the Institute of Environmental biology can enroll in the PhD programme Environmental Biology. Enrollment starts by filling out the training and supervison agreement together with your supervisor.

Students of the PhD programme of Environmental Biology have to follow specific PhD-oriented in-depth training (through courses, summerschools, seminars and congresses). In addition, students have to follow generic training to build academic skills (e.g. effective writing in English or  statistics). In total students are required to gather 20 EC in 4 years (5 EC/year less for students with a shorter project), 40% of which should be acquired following Phd-topic related training and 20% with generic training. Some additonal demands are made about which the programme coordinator can provide information. Please contact the programme coordinator to have your TSA checked before you have your TSA signed by you supervisors.

Programme coordinator

Hao Zhang

Hao Zhang