The Institute of Environmental Biology (IEB) is one of the research institutes of the Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, of the Utrecht University.
Our research is embedded in the Strategic Themes Sustainability and Life Sciences, and the focus area's Science for Sustainability, Future Food Utrecht, Future Deltas and Integrative Bioinformatics.
Furthermore, IEB groups have strong connections with the groups at the Faculty of Geoscience, the KNAW-CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, the Dutch Primate Center BPRC, and the Botanical Gardens.
The IEB coordinates the Master’s programmes Environmental Biology and Science & Business Managment, and the PhD programme Environmental Biology of the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GS-LS). In addition, IEB participates in the Master’s programme Molecular & Cellular Life Sciences (MCLS).

Scientific Director
Prof. dr. ir. C.M.J. (Corné) Pieterse
T: +31 (0)30 253 6887

Support Officer Research Valorization
Dr. Roeland L. Berendsen
T: +31 (0)30 253 7438