Hall of Fame

Utrecht University is proud of each and every one of its graduates, and alumni are an important part of Utrecht University's academic community. But where do they all end up? In this section, Illuster presents some major appointments from the last six months.

Joost de Vries

Portretfoto Joost de Vries
Image: Els Zweerink

Master's in History won the Frans Kellendonk Prize for his literary oeuvre, which includes Clausewitz (2010), De Republiek (2013), Oude Meesters (2017) and Rustig aan,Tijger (2020). The prize is awarded every three years by the Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde.

De Vries studied journalism at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and history at Utrecht University. He has been editor and literary critic of De Groene Amsterdammer since 2007 and is now also deputy chief editor. He has also written for, among others, Das Magazine and nrc.next.

The nominating committee for the Frans Kellendonk Prize has this to say about him: “Joost de Vries boldly entered the world of Dutch literature with his debut novel Clausewitz (2010). His theme was very different from what was and still is usual in Dutch novel-writing. In this novel you could see the outlines of the tragic attitude to life that also characterises the later works of De Vries. His characters are fleeing from themselves and deny that this is the case. In this regard, De Vries’ work belongs to the great tradition of Romanticism.”

Want to be 'named'?

Email us your new position at alumni@uu.nl. Who knows? You could see yourself in the next edition of Illuster.