The university is an institution, not a tool

Staande foto van Eva Rovers

A voice for future generations

Main story

The well-being of the current generation must not be at the expense of future generations

portretfoto van Eva Rovers
Director of Bureau Burgerberaad and author
Sharing Days banner

Your annual celebration of the mind!

Sharing Days

I think it's important that people don't feel distanced

Portret Elaine Mak
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics, Governance and Organization

If citizens are given the opportunity to have their say and the government doesn’t act on it, it damages the trust that they have in the government

Companies like Facebook, X, Google and TikTok will have to take responsibility

Portretfoto van Albertg Meijer
Albert Meijer
Professor of Public Innovation

Illuster is a publication of Utrecht University and the Utrecht University Fund, appears twice a year, in print and online, and is sent to alumni of Utrecht University.