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“Understand how people think”

Kunieke Luth

Kunieke Luth (45)

Degree: School of Journalism (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences), minor in History (Utrecht University)
Role: Chief editor and team coordinator at De Nederlandsche Bank
Continuing Education programme: From liberalism to populism: insights into the contemporary ideological landscape. The new programme starts in June 2024.

Kunieke Luth is chief editor at De Nederlandsche Bank. She was looking for knowledge of ideologies to enable her to understand better what is happening in society. She found that knowledge in the programme From liberalism to populism: insights into the contemporary ideological landscape.

Why did you want to follow this programme?

“I wanted to understand better how people think and what they are concerned about. De Nederlandsche Bank is involved with things that are extremely relevant to people, such as rising prices, trends in the housing market and access to credit. We have a lot of expertise in-house and we want to share that knowledge more broadly and contribute to the social debate. This programme, run by Utrecht University, was a great way of finding out more about political ideologies. The fact that it includes history too helps you understand better where a line of thought comes from.”

What did you gain from the programme?

“As participants, you really engage in a dialogue with each other around the important issues of our time and also share experiences. Those conversations really inspired me, and gave me a lot of insights and in-depth knowledge. We all work on questions like: how do you ensure that you design society effectively for everyone, that nobody falls by the wayside, how do you ensure sustainable prosperity? Previously De Nederlandsche Bank mainly organised sessions on topical issues with colleagues, now they organise them with people from the whole of society. I take the insights that I have gained from the course with me to these kinds of meetings. If I understand why people find something important, I can make sure that a session like this reflects better what is going on in society. By examining ideological trends, you understand better what is happening in society. And, as a result, you can engage in a more effective dialogue with each other.”

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illustratie van een hoofd waarin allemaal verschillende ballonnen samen de vorm van de hersenen uitbeelden
Image: Aad Goudappel

From liberalism to populism

START: June 2024
DURATION: 5 weeks
COST: €1,095

With the huge challenges that we in the 21st century are faced with, the need for coherent political visions is greater than ever, but they are often mistrusted. Have ideologies also become unimportant as a result? In this in-depth course you will explore the nature and origin of classical and recent political ideologies.

Sign up (in Dutch)

Coaching of newly qualified teachers

START: 23 January 2024
DURATION: 4 months
COST: €2,410

Coaching newly qualified teachers gets them off to a good start in their careers, reduces dropout rates and makes their teaching more effective. In this course, you help teachers with their development and work on your own learning process as a coach.

Sign up (in Dutch)