Tips and agenda
A history of palaeontology
Fossils capture the imagination, although our interpretation of them as changed hugely in the past three centuries. Initially, they were seen as spontaneous natural formations, later as remnants of the Biblical flood. Emeritus professor Jelle Reumer wrote a book, De reuzensalamander, about them. Would you like to read De reuzensalamander? There’s currently a great deal for all Illuster readers. Discount code 904-11708 gives you a €5 discount on the book’s normal retail price of €34.99 at all bookshops from 1 December 2024 to 15 January 2025.
Cake by the fire
Faculty Club
Want to meet up with friends, former classmates or colleagues at one of the most beautiful places in Oud-Utrecht? Want to enjoy a cosy, warm environment where food is cooked with love? All of these are possible if you are an alum of Utrecht University. You are always welcome at the Faculty Club, which you will find in the University Hall. Our kitchen prepares traditional lunch and dinner dishes. But it’s also the perfect place to enjoy a drink by the fire, or coffee with a delicious piece of cake. The courtyard garden is an oasis of greenery and tranquillity and is quite rightly known as ‘Utrecht’s best-kept secret’.
You might also like to take part in one of our activities; the autumn programme is full of interesting lectures, themed dinners and networking drinks.
Entrance via the University Hall, Achter de Dom 7, Utrecht
Where will the researchers of the future come from?
The acute shortage of teachers in secondary education is having dramatic consequences for students and science. Who will do research in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science in the future if there are no teachers to teach these subjects to secondary school students now? University lecturer Ralph Meulenbroeks discussed this question in depth with Isabel Arends, Dean of the Faculty of Science, maths teacher Sabine Oudt and trainee teacher Salma Ismaili.
Primary education conference
2 april 2025
The annual primary education conference will take place on Wednesday 2 April 2025. At it, UU shares insights from research conducted at schools and knowledge institutions with teachers, lecturers for the Teacher-Training Programme, school leaders and researchers from the Utrecht region. This enables education professionals and researchers to learn from each other.
New: network for international alumni in the Netherlands
Are you an internationally-oriented alum of Utrecht University and do you live in the Netherlands? Then join the new network created especially for internationals! The kick-off meeting will take place in the University Hall on 26 November 2024.
Save the date
Studium Generale lecture: How does social class affect your life course?
Philosopher Dr Jeroen Rijnders (VU) on the autobiographical book Terug naar Reims by French sociologist and philosopher Didier Eribon. Rijnders explains why social class still matters. Rijnders will talk on 19 november 2024
What’s happening? Podium Hoge Woerd
A series of theatre lectures by UU academics about social issues.
28 November 2024: Neurotechnology and Criminal Law — Gerben Meynen (forensic psychiatry)
23 January 2025: Addiction and Alcoholism — Heidi Lesscher (neurobiologist & behavioural scientist)
20 February 2025: The Mystery of the Ocean — Erik van Sebille (oceanographer)
23 March 2025: The Amazon — Edwin Pos (evolutionary biologist)
20 April 2025: Bees — Marie José Duchateau (behavioural biologist & beekeeper)