Diversity networks

Within Utrecht University, there are various diversity networks of students and/or staff members. They have united based on one or more diversity aspects, such as gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, health or socio-economic class.

The network

The university thinks it is very important that people feel safe and at home within the university. Part of that is that someone can recognise themselves in others within the organisation and can find connections.The networks provide individual staff members and/or students with safe environments in which the participants can exchange experiences, and can let shared voices be heard. The diversity networks can advise on request and unrequested on a more inclusive university environment.

Practical information for networks

Take part

The networks come about at the initiative of their members and are also carried by them. Are you an employee or a student? If you would like to join one of the diversity networks, please contact them. For other questions, contact the EDI Office.

Mail the EDI Office