ICS Diversity Committee

The Diversity Committee at Utrecht University’s Information and Computing  Science Department (ICS Diversity Committee) has the goal to support and steer the ongoing efforts of the ICS department to increase diversity and to achieve greater inclusion for people of all kinds of different backgrounds, both among staff members and students. 

A large and growing body of literature points to widespread disadvantage in academia for groups that are not ‘the norm’. Among the committee’s responsibilities are:

  • to identify the dimensions of diversity that are relevant to staff members and students and therefore need to be considered 
  • to advise the executive board of the department on what measures to take to increase equality, diversity and inclusion 
  • to regularly monitor diversity and inclusion

The committee is also a contact point for everyone in the department with ideas on how and what to improve regarding diversity, equality and inclusion.

Contact us at ics-diversity@uu.nl

Our responsibilities

The committee addresses questions such as:

  • Is our curriculum well-prepared for first-generation students who cannot learn from their parents how academia “is working”?
  • Where do staff members struggle who are not (yet) fluent in Dutch because information is mostly provided in Dutch? 
  • How do our promotion criteria accommodate for caring for your children or parents (number of journal articles per year, number of invited lectures per year you need to travel for)?
  • How do we attract a more diverse population of students?

Social Safety Roadmap

Find more information on concerns about workplace behavior and research integrity for: 

PhD candidates (login required)
Other employees (login required)

View full roadmap (pdf)

Equality, diversity and inclusion at universities

De regenboogvlag aan het Academiegebouw tijdens Coming Out Day.

Equality, diversity and inclusion can be more effectively promoted using a comprehensive approach. In addressing both staff members and students, we follow the recommendation of the 2019 LERU position paper Equality, diversity and inclusion at universities, that equality, diversity and inclusion can be more effectively promoted using a comprehensive approach, which encompasses the following three points:

  • to address inclusion and enhanced representation of all under-represented groups
  • to aim at the entire academic community of staff and students together, and
  • to make the content of both the research and the research-led curriculum more inclusive.

By truly opening universities to anyone who has the talent and capability irrespective of identity, social class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural background, age or disability, universities will achieve greater excellence and global relevance in their teaching, research and innovation.


Advisory members

Student members