Exploring the interaction between humans and information, knowledge, and entertainment
In our daily lives we continuously interact with objects, people, and the environment. Interaction is much broader than pushing the right buttons or presenting visual cues on-screen. In the division Interaction Technology, we explore the interaction between people and (virtual) worlds, multimedia, and information. Moreover, we investigate human-human interaction through technological advancements.
We develop novel techniques to research technology-mediated communication and interaction between people, and communication and interaction between systems and people (users). The technologies for interaction make use of various modalities, in particular visual, auditory, and haptic modes, as well as combinations of these.
Within this broad field, the scope of our research within the department of Information and Computing sciences includes:
- Mobile interaction, multimodal interaction, and applications in virtual and augmented reality
- User and group modelling, adaptation, and personalization
- Affective and social computing
- Game design, applied games, persuasive technologies
- Technology-enhanced communication, human-robot interaction, and user experience.
- The analysis and retrieval of music and music information.
- Video, motion capture, and sensor based interaction analysis.
- Analysis and recognition of objects in images, video, 3D point clouds and scenes.
Bringing all aspects of interaction together creates the opportunity to experience, navigate, and manipulate information, in both an innovative and intuitive way. This will provide novel opportunities in games and entertainment, training, decision-making, etc.
The division Interaction within the Research Institute of Information and Computing Sciences addresses challenges in the field of interaction from their unique perspectives:
- Cybernetics
- Egon van den Broek, chair Data-Driven Interaction
- Human-Centred Computing
- Judith Masthoff, chair Interaction Technology
- Multimedia
- Remco Veltkamp, chair Game and Media Technology
- Peter Werkhoven, chair Multimodal Interaction in Virtual Environments
- Music Information Computing
- Anja Volk, chair Music Information Computing
- Social and Affective Computing
- Albert Salah, chair Social and Affective
- Visualization and Graphics
- Lynda Hardman, chair Multimedia Discourse Interaction
- Alex Telea, Visual Data Analysis
Our research is related to the Utrecht Center for Game Research.
The division Interaction contributes to the bachelor Computer Science, the study path GameTechnology, the bachelor Information Science, and the research master program Game and Media Technology.
We collaborate with many societal parties and companies. We are interested in seeking further joined interests. Please contact us if you want to discuss opportunities for collaboration.
prof. dr. ir. J.F.M. (Judith) Masthoff
Academic DirectorProfessorEmail: j.f.m.masthoff@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 3619prof. dr. R.C. (Remco) Veltkamp
ProfessorAcademic DirectorEmail: r.c.veltkamp@uu.nlPhone: 030 253 4091