Open Science

Encouraging Open Science practices and making science accessible is part of the mission of the Utrecht Young Academy. Promoting open science is also part of the Utrecht University strategic plan. In 2017, the rector commissioned a task force, supported by a university library work group, to draft an Open Science Programme for the period 2018-2020. Two members of the Young Academy were part of this task force, which has prepared the draft program and organised a university-wide consultation round. At the end of the consultation period this draft was sent to the rector and university board.

UYA has also taken the initiative to raise awareness about developments towards open science internationally and inside our University. To execute a successful program, it is important to inform and get feedback from a large group of researchers. Therefore, UYA produced a podcast series, “The Road to Open Science”, in collaboration with the open-science workgroup at the university library and the Open Science Community Utrecht.

To learn more about the UYA's involvement with Open Science, contact Jarno Hoekman.