Kick Off Open Science Community Utrecht

open science nationaal plan
Get together
Share knowledge and know-how
Change the way we do research
Get involved!

A few months ago, the Open Science Community Utrecht welcomed its first members. Now, OSCU has over 90 members, representing 5 faculties. June 18th, the OSCU will be officially launched with a great and inspiring get together. The kick-off will feature a preview of the kind of activities planned for next academic year: Open Science workshops & Open Science cafés. 

The OSCU hopes to welcome many members and non-members at this special day! To register, see the event.

What is Open Science?

Although most researchers have a sense of what Open Science is, it is not easy to provide a clear-cut definition. Open Science can be considered a movement or an approach to science that aims at making scientific research freely available to people within and outside of academics. Its goal is to make science more accessible, reproducible and transparent. Open science practices include pre-registration, replication research, sharing data and research tools, open peer-review, publishing open access, and open science evaluation and policies. To learn more, visit the website of the Open Science Community Utrecht.

Open Science Community Utrecht

The Open Science Community Utrecht is an initiative of Loek Brinkman and Anita Eerlands.  However, encouraging Open Science practices and making science accessible is also connected to the mission of the Utrecht Young Academy and this is why many UYA-members are involved with the OSCU. To know more about the Utrecht Young Academy's involvement with Open Science, visit the UYA's website.

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