Expertise and approach

The transition to a circular economy requires the combination of knowledge from many disciplines and backgrounds, including consumption, production, supply chain management, waste management, bio-based resources, environmental assessments, policy and law, innovation of technology, business models, and value webs.
The Towards a Circular Economy and Society hub brings together research into the technological, environmental and social aspects of the transition to a circular economy. The hub has the ambition to develop new science and technology solutions for a circular economy and to lay the foundation for a better system understanding of the circular society of the future through the creation of a vibrant interdisciplinary research community. The hub focuses on three lines of research:
Aiming to identify and connect the different efforts of academic research on the various aspects of circularity at Dutch universities, on October 12th 2021, Utrecht University, Het Groene Brein, the Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management and NWA Route Circular Economy hosted the first Conference: Academic Community on Circular Economy. With this conference a National Interdisciplinary Research Network was initiated.
The Network is currently working on the next meeting, focused on PhDs, for February. We will keep you posted on further news!