Pathways to Sustainability Kickstarter Event

Our Kickstarter lies at the basis of our Incubator and Signature Project Grants. The Kickstarter workshop marks the formal start of the new Incubator process. This hands-on workshop will offer the opportunity for co-creation and to build the Incubator teams, as we believe that such an open process is key to transformative learning. You are warmly invited to join this event, to (just) bring in your perspective or to become part of one of this innovative teams.
Have an idea for a transdisciplinary, challenge-based project? Our Incubator Grant (8k for a maximum period of 12 months) is the Pathways to Sustainability funding instrument that aims to invest in community building by offering interdisciplinary teams time to collaborate on innovative transdisciplinary ideas. During the Incubator process we guide and support teams in the further development of their consortia and ideas for subsequent Signature project proposals (50-150k for a maximum period of 24 months).