Multimedia is one of the research themes of the division Interaction within the department Information and Computing Sciences. Within the Multimedia research theme there are two chairs: Remco Veltkamp (Game and Media Technology), and Peter Werkhoven (Multimodal Interaction in Virtual Environments). The multimedia research theme features the following topics and researchers:
Music Analysis
Analysis, recognition and retrieval of music and music information of various genres and corpora.
People: Peter van Kranenburg, Iris Ren, Mirjam Visscher, Remco Veltkamp, Anja Volk, Frans Wiering.
People: Peter van Kranenburg, Iris Ren, Mirjam Visscher, Remco Veltkamp, Anja Volk, Frans Wiering.
Multimodal Interaction
Using multimodal, mobile, and AR/VR to improve and create new experiences
People: Chloe Gros, Wolfgang Hürst, Nina Rosa, Peter Werkhoven.
Applied games
The design, development, evaluation, and application of games for good: health, learning, change.
People: Dio Alexandridis, Sander Bakkes, Brunella Botte, Annette Brons, Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Julian Frommel, Herre van Oostendorp, Maartje Stutvoet, Remco Veltkamp, Michel Wijkstra.
People: Dio Alexandridis, Sander Bakkes, Brunella Botte, Annette Brons, Jan Dirk Fijnheer, Julian Frommel, Herre van Oostendorp, Maartje Stutvoet, Remco Veltkamp, Michel Wijkstra.
Multimedia Pattern Recognition
Analysis, classification, and recognition of patterns in text, images, video, and 3D objects.
People: Ilja Gubins, Laurens Müter, Tao Ku, Remco Veltkamp.
People: Ilja Gubins, Laurens Müter, Tao Ku, Remco Veltkamp.