Multimedia Projects
Toxic Behaviors in Multiplayer Games [contact]
In this project, we are studying toxic behaviour in multiplayer games. For example, we are investigating intervention systems to combat toxicity through in-game interactions and by using physical tools to provide stress relief.
RESCHOOL: Unlocking the potential of energy communities [contact]
RESCHOOL improves the way energy communities operate by enhancing the technology and behaviour of their users. This will help to make these communities more efficient and effective in their use of energy. RESCHOOL aims to increase the active participation of communities in energy markets, enhancing and facilitating the management and trading of flexibility in cooperation with sectoral players.
AGI-LO: Applied Gaming Intervention for reducing Loneliness of Children with Chronic Diseases [contact]
The project investigates to what extent stimulating or modifying play behavior through an applied game can enhance the adaptability of a child to a (chronic) stressful condition. The project is a collaboration with the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (WKZ) and game developer IJsfontein. See the demo page.
GAIM: Game design, AI, system Modeling: Long-term consumer and community empowerment in energy applications [contact]
As the sequel to Powersaver Game; by developing integrated tools as the shared platform between citizens and the energy system, and thus enabling user-centred sustainable energy systems, we play an active role in the energy transition. Game research will be coupled with advanced modelling techniques and smart meter data, to provide feedback to citizens about optimal energy management in households.
DatAR: Exploring Relationships between Brain Regions and Diseases with an Immersive AR System for Neuroscientists [contact]
This projects investigates innovative visualizations in Augmented Reality to support neuroscientists in identifying direct and indirect relations between brain-related topics such as brain regions and diseases – which is an essential task when designing related scientific experiments. The project is done together with the Visualization and Graphics group.
Real-time Intelligence [contact]
Development of a real-time intelligence dashboard for the police emergency control center. Research into the analysis of social media data, such as Twitter, and an interaction dashboard design to provide real-time intelligence in the police emergency control center.