Visualization and Graphics
The Visualization and Graphics (VIG) group conducts research that aims to design new methods to render and interact with rich 2D and 3D content. We use such methods to depict and explore complex information sources, such as language (written or spoken), image, video, music and all types of data.
Our research areas include:
- Real-time raytracing and raycasting
- Methods for interacting, exploring and navigating 2D and 3D scenes
- Nonphotorealistic rendering
- Shape and image processing
- Visualization of high-dimensional data
- Visualization of multivariate network data
- Image-based information visualization
- Visual analytics for understanding big data
- Visual analytics for explainable machine learning
- Software visualization
- Evaluation of visualization methods and tools
- Exploring complex information spaces
- Creating stories to communicate data
- Analyzing and synthesizing visual discourse
VIG is one of the research groups of the division Interaction within the department of Information and Computing sciences of Utrecht University.
More information is available on the group's separate webpage Visualization and Graphics Group.