Europa Institute

In 1967 professor P.J.G. Kapteyn took the initiative to establish the Europa Institute. His goal was to combine research and education into legal and economic problems of European Integration. Kapteyn, professor of the Law of International Organizations, started to collaborate with professor C.J. Oort of Economics and professor of P. VerLoren van Themaat of Public Economic Law. The area of Labour Law and Social Policy was later added. The Europa Institute developed into a prominent centre for knowledge and research into European Law, both in the Netherlands and internationally.
In 2013, the chairs of Economic and European Criminal law, European Public Law, and Media and Communication were added to the Europa Institute. The activities of the Europa Institute now cover all the branches of the faculties’ Department of Law. Furthermore, the Europa Institute collaborates with researchers from other parts of the university, such as the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG), the Utrecht School of Economics (USE), and the Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Since 2013, the Europa Institute hosts the Utrecht Centre for Shared Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE). Moreover, the Europa Institute coordinates the international research programme bEUCitizen and the Public Procurement Research Centre (PPRC), the latter being an interdisciplinary cooperation between Utrecht University and the University of Twente. Lastly, the Gender Equality Network comprises research activities on the issue of equal treatment between men and women.
Daily management: mr. dr. Ton van den Brink (Managing Executive)
Secretary: mw. Trix Ditvoorst
European Institute
Newtonlaan 201
3584 BH Utrecht