Commissioned research and consultancy
The School of Law conducts research and provides advice commissioned by public and private organisations and companies. Each research project falls under one of the School of Law research programmes which in turn, are in carried out in congruity with Utrecht University’s research focus areas.
Research is conducted by the following institutes, research institutes and centres:
- Centre for Intellectual Property Law (CIER)
- Constitutional and Administrative Law and Legal Theory (Dutch only)
- European Institute
- International and European law (IER) (Dutch only)
- Molengraaff Institute of Private and Notarial Law (Dutch only)
- Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice
- Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS consultancy)
- Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM)
- Public Procurement Research Centre (PPRC)
- Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law (UCERF)
- Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law (UCWOSL)
- Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology
An overview of the School of Law's research staff is available.