
The Alumni Office organises events where international alumni can meet up with each other as well as rekindle their connection with Utrecht University. Find out more about our upcoming and previous events below.

Would you like to learn more about the possibilities of organising an event in your city/country, please contact us via

See our Dutch calendar for more events in the Netherlands (in Dutch).

  • Upcoming events

    • Faculty Club Valentine's dinner "Crime Passionnel"

      A pleasant evening in the Faculty Club, filled with beautiful singing, exquisite wine and delicious food. But then ... rumbling in the hall. The lights go out. An icy silence falls over the hall. Sirens sound in the distance. In the hall lies a body. A crime of passion just before Valentine's Day?
    • GINA alumni event - New Delhi, India

      The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to India will be hosting the second GINA alumni event on February 21, 2025.
    • UU Alumni Meeting in New York City

      26 Feb: UU Alumni Meeting in New York City – “Vermeer in New York”, presentation by Esmée Quodbach, art historian and art provenance researcher.
    • Faculty Club - Brainstorm Session Lustrum UU

      Share your ideas about the lustrum of Utrecht University! On Thursday 27 February, we will organise a Brainstom Session about the upcoming 78th lustrum of Utrecht University, in 2026. The theme of this lustrum year will be ‘Cooperation in city and region’. We are looking forward to your input.
    • UU Alumni Meeting in Boston (MA)

      27 Feb: UU Alumni Meeting in Boston (MA) - presentation by UU professor Aukje Mantel-Teeuwisse (Pharmacy and Global Health) on access to medicines.
    • Faculty Club - Happy Hour March

      The Dutch Book Week celebrates its 90th anniversary and we celebrate with a special Happy Hour. We will have Dr Gys-Walt van Egdom as a guest, there will be live music in ‘your mother tongue’ and we will finish with delicious Zeeland mussels.
    • 389th Dies Natalis

      On 26 March 2025, Utrecht University will celebrate its 389th birthday.
    • Faculty Club - Pub Quiz

      Het voorjaar staat voor de deur en dus organiseert de Faculty Club traditiegetrouw de Voorjaarspubquiz. Doe mee en strijd samen met alumni en medewerkers om de felbegeerde pubquizbeker!
    • Start of the Academic Year 2025-2026

      The annual celebration of the start of the academic year of Utrecht University will take place at 1 September 2025.

I felt goosebumps when the first pictures of Utrecht and the University appeared on the slides.

Alumna from Greece who moved to Barcelona after studying Energy Science at Utrecht University

More information about the international alumni networks of Utrecht University can be found here. Are you interested in the possibility of alumni events in other cities? Please let us know via email