VMBO Vlogs

Eight members of the Utrecht Young Academy and sixteen vmbo (pre-vocational secondary education) students created vlogs together on themes such as climate change, identity and the power of language. On 4 March 2020, the students and academics presented the vlogs during an interactive presentation, where they explained what they have learned from the collaboration. 

Students and academics at the vlog premiere

How can we bridge the gap between researchers and vmbo students? Using this starting point, the Utrecht Young Academy and non-profit organization JINC initiated a vlog project in early January. In this project, vmbo students and academics came together three times and created a vlog based on research questions that youngsters may wonder about. For example, is life possible on another planet? What can we buy at the local supermarket thanks to European trade? How long can plastic persist in the ocean? The aim of the project was to gain insights into each other’s world and learn something new together. Furthermore, the vmbo students experienced what it takes to be a researcher and vlogger, which contributes to their orientation on future plans. 

We believe that we should be involved within society as a university.

Wednesday March 4, a special premiere of the vlogs concluded the project. Students, members of the Utrecht Young Academy and JINC colleagues gathered in the University Hall to watch the vlogs together and discuss the project. Curious to see the vlogs? Take a look below! (English subtitles available)