Ancillary activities
Ancillary activities are all professional activities carried out by an employee of Utrecht University which do not fall under their university position (regardless of the scope of their employment contract with Utrecht University and the scope of the ancillary activities).
Written permission
Employees must obtain prior written permission from their manager before carrying out any ancillary activities. Any changes to these activities must also be reported to the manager in writing. In this way the university can ensure that the employee's work is not adversely affected and that no unacceptable competition or conflict of interests can arise.
Unacceptable competition
Unacceptable competition arises when an employee performs ancillary activities at a rival institution and is, in the course of doing so, in a position to disclose confidential or original information to another competing employer.
Conflict of interests
An example of a conflict of interests is that of an employee working late into the night for another employer, so that the quality of their work for Utrecht University is adversely affected on the following day.
Discussion of activities in A&D interview
In the annual Assessment & Development Interview the employee discusses with their manager whether the ancillary activities still apply, and this is recorded in the report of the interview.
Disclosure of ancillary activities
It is a requirement of some job categories, including professors, that the ancillary activities be disclosed via a statement on the individual profile page. Each professor is personally responsible for keeping the information on their profile page up to date.
Utrecht University takes the transparency of ancillary activities very seriously and in recent years has improved the registration and publication of ancillary activities. Additional agreements were made with the Minister of Education regarding the transparency of professors' ancillary activities. The university checks the veracity of the information on the profile regularly. There is also an overview (pdf) available of the ancillary activities of professors at Utrecht University. This overview is updated approximately quarterly.
Would you like to know more?
- Sectoral scheme covering ancillary activities (pdf)
- For more information about funding of professorships: go to Professors