A selection of publications from the Organisational Behaviour research group.
Derks, B, Manzi, F, Van Laar, C, Ellemers, N & Faniko, K 2025, 'Do not blame ‘queen bees’ for gender inequality in academia', Nature Human Behaviour.
van Nunspeet, F, Veenstra, EM, Monteiro Graça Casquinho, B, Ellemers, N, Scheepers, D, Wickham, MI, Bacchini, EAM & van der Toorn, J 2025, 'Overcoming the threat of anti-bias interventions: Combining self-report and psychophysiological measures to capture the process of change', PLoS One, vol. 20, no. 1, e0314813.
Groenleer, M & van Steenbergen, E 2024, 'Goed toezicht ‘nu’ maar ook ‘later’?', Tijdschrift voor Toezicht, vol. 2024, no. 4, pp. 91-92.
Morgenroth, T, Kirby, TA & van der Toorn, J 2024, 'Heteroprofessionalism: The power of the gender/sex binary in the workplace', Current Opinion in Psychology, vol. 60, 101908.
Koch, A, Smith, A, Fiske, ST, Abele, AE, Ellemers, N & Yzerbyt, V 2024, 'Validating a brief measure of four facets of social evaluation', Behavior Research Methods, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 8521-8539.
Ruhrman, A, Pliskin, R, Shuman, E, van der Toorn, J & Halperin, E 2024, 'Is exposure to conflict‐related violence associated with less intergroup empathy? The moderating role of ideology', Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Neville, FG, Haslam, SA, Homan, M, Reicher, SD & Steffens, NK 2024, 'Engaged Onlooking: How Organisational Identification Shapes Public Condoning of Corporate Corruption', European Journal of Social Psychology.
van Stekelenburg, L 2024, 'Expanding Cartel Fines Beyond Deterrence: a psychological perspective', Doctor of Philosophy, Universiteit Utrecht.
Ishwardat, S, van Steenbergen, E, Coffeng, T & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Stimulating Regulatory Compliance and Ethical Behavior of Organizations: A Review', Business Ethics and Leadership, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 151-172.
van Prooijen, A, Wirtz, C & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Organisational antecedents of employee ambassadorship on social network sites', European Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 1378-1392.
Van Rossum, A, Laar, CV & Scheepers, D 2025, 'Advancing the health and wellbeing of boys and men: Lessons from the social cure and curse framework', Social Issues and Policy Review, vol. 19, no. 1, e12107, pp. 1-39.
Hoffmann-Harnisch, MI 2024, 'Square Peg in a Round Hole: Gender Beyond the Binary', Doctor of Philosophy, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
Sahin, O 2024, 'On being different: Exploring the relationship between dissimilarity and social inclusion in the workplace', Doctor of Philosophy, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
van der Toorn, J, Bracco, SE, Gaitho, W, Ryan, WS, Horne, SG, Anderson, JR & Leskinen, EA 2024, 'Inclusion and protection in tension: Reflections on gathering sexual orientation and gender identity data in the workplace', Journal of Social Issues, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 947-972.
Leskinen, EA, Horne, SG, Ryan, WS & van der Toorn, J 2024, 'The opportunities and limits of open science for LGBTIQ+ research', Journal of Social Issues, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 1000-1021.
Mor, K, Gündemir, S & van der Toorn, J 2024, 'Celebrating the “Invisible”: The Role of Organizational Diversity Approaches on Attracting and Retaining LGBTQ + Talent', Journal of Business and Psychology.
Grosfeld, E, Scheepers, D & Cuyvers, A 2024, 'Mapping the moral foundations of the European Union: Why a lack of moral diversity may undermine perceived EU legitimacy', PNAS Nexus, vol. 3, no. 8, pgae282.
Bohré-Den Harder, M, Harinck, F, Van Der Doef, M, van der Toorn, J & Gebhardt, WA 2024, 'Defining organizational humanness and contributing behavioral attributes of leadership: Qualitative research using a grounded theory approach', Business Ethics and Leadership, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-19.
Long, F, Pliskin, R & Scheepers, D 2024, 'Norms of equality reduce prejudice towards migrants, but only among conservatives', Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, vol. 34, no. 4, e2836.
Zhou, C, van Dijk, H & Doornenbal, B 2024, 'The Art of Diversity: Creating Cultural Organizations and their Personnel, Public, Program, and Partners', Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 181-208.
Laagland, F & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Sociale veiligheid en de aanpak van grensoverschrijdend gedrag: De toegevoegde waarde van een multidisiplinair benadering', Nederlands juristenblad, vol. 2024, no. 23, 23.
Wuestenenk, N, van Tubergen, F, Stark, T & Ellemers, N 2024, 'How Do Personal Opinions Relate to Online Expressions? An Experimental Study Among Muslim Minority Groups in The Netherlands', Communication Research.
Chopova, T, Ellemers, N & Sinelnikova, E 2024, 'Morality matters: social psychological perspectives on how and why CSR activities and communications affect stakeholders’ support experimental design evidence for the mediating role of perceived organizational morality comparing WEIRD (UK) and non WEIRD (Russia) country', International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, vol. 9, 10 .
Moss-Racusin, CA, Van der Toorn, J, Beneke, G & Olson, KR 2024, 'Mothers of transgender youth experience stigma-by-association', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 209-220.
Jansen, WS, van der Toorn, J, Bokern, YNA & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Shades of support: An empirical assessment of D&I policy support in organizations', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 221-229.
de Dreu, CKW, Gross, J, Arciniegas, A, Hoenig, LC, Rojek-Giffin, M & Scheepers, D 2024, 'On being unpredictable and winning', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 369-389.
Ishwardat, SR, van Steenbergen, E, Coffeng, T & Ellemers, N 2024 'Stimulating Regulatory Compliance and Ethical Behavior of Organizations: a Review' PsyArXiv.
Schumacher, G, Homan, MD, Rebasso, I, Fasching, N, Bakker, BN & Rooduijn, M 2024, 'Establishing the validity and robustness of facial electromyography measures for political science', Politics and the Life Sciences.
Morgenroth, T, van der Toorn, J, Pliskin, R & McMahon, CE 2024, 'Gender nonconformity leads to identity denial for cisgender and transgender individuals', Social Psychological and Personality Science, no. 1.
van Rijn, M, Ellemers, N, Fröhlich, S, Laagland, F & Hamer, M 2024, Niets gezien, niets gehoord en niets gedaan: De zoekgemaakte verantwoordelijkheid. OGCO.
Ellemers, N & de Gilder, D 2024, 'Overcoming unintended consequences of social impact accountability: How to avoid counterproductive responses of individuals and groups in organizations', Social Issues and Policy Review, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 194-219.
van Nunspeet, F & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Regulating other people’s moral behaviors: Turning vicious cycles into virtuous cycles', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 196-213.
Rösler, IK, van Nunspeet, F & Ellemers, N 2024, 'Beneficial effects of communicating intentions when delivering moral criticism: Cognitive and neural responses', Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 24, pp. 421-439.
van der Lee, R, Ellemers, N, Zarzeczna, N & Scheepers, D 2024, 'Threatened by the immoral, challenged by the incompetent: Cardiovascular responses to intragroup morality vs. competence evaluations', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 62-75.
Domen, Ilona; Derks, Belle; Van Veelen, Ruth; Scheepers, Daan. Gender identity relevance predicts preferential neural processing of same-gendered faces. In: Social Neuroscience, 08.01.2020, p. 1-14. Download pdf.
Peeters, M.C.W.; van Steenbergen, E.F.; Ybema, J.F. Positive psychological micro-interventions to improve the work-family interface: Use your resources and count your blessings. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11, 275, 27.02.2020. Download pdf.
Veenstra, Esmee M.; Ellemers, Naomi. ESG indicators as organizational performance goals : Do rating agencies encourage a holistic approach? In: Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 12, No. 24, 10228, 01.12.2020. Download pdf.
The Queen Bee phenomenon in Academia 15 years after : Does it still exist, and if so, why? / Faniko, Klea; Ellemers, Naomi; Derks, Belle.
In: British Journal of Social Psychology, 22.07.2020, p. e12408. Download pdf.
Social creativity: Reviving a social identity approach to understanding social stability. / Van Bezouw, M. J. ; van der Toorn, J.M.; Becker, Julia C.
In: European Journal of Social Psychology, 2020. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers & Félice van Nunspeet (2020). Neuroscience and the Social Origins of Moral Behavior: How Neural Underpinnings of Social Categorization and Conformity Affect Everyday Moral and Immoral Behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 29(5) 513–520. Download pdf.
Jojanneke van der Toorn, Ruthie Pliskin & Thekla Morgenroth (2020). Not quite over the rainbow: the unrelenting and insidious nature of heteronormative ideology. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34:160–165. Download pdf.
Jojanneke van der Toorn (2019). Naar een inclusieve werkvloer: Seksuele oriëntatie en genderidentiteit op het werk. Gedrag & Organisatie (32) 3. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers (2018). Gender Stereotypes. Annual Review of Psychology 69, 275–98. Download pdf.
Drs. C.A. Christensen, dr. E. F. van Steenbergen, drs. T. Coffeng, drs. L. R. Wiegman & prof. dr. N. Ellemers (2018). Bouwen aan een gezonde
organisatiecultuur in de financiële sector: inspiratie voor compliance officers met lef. Tijdschrift voor Compliance. Download pdf.
Florien M. Cramwinckel, Daan T. Scheepers & Jojanneke van der Toorn (2018). Interventions to Reduce Blatant and Subtle Sexual Orientation- and Gender Identity Prejudice (SOGIP): Current Knowledge and Future Directions. The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 183-217. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers, Onur Şahin, Wiebren S. Jansen & Jojanneke van der Toorn (2018). Naar effectief diversiteitsbeleid: het bouwen van bruggen tussen wetenschap en praktijk. Gedrag & Organisatie (31) 4. Download pdf.
Daan Scheepers & Naomi Ellemers (2018). Stress and the stability of social systems: A review of neurophysiological research. A review of neurophysiological research, European Review of Social Psychology, 29:1, 340-376. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers & Floor Rink (2016). Diversity in work groups. Current Opinion in Psychology, 11:49–53. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers & Jojanneke Van der Toorn (2015). Groups as moral anchors. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 6:189–194. Download pdf.
Naomi Ellemers (2012). The Group Self. Vol. 336 SCIENCE. Download pdf.