Exploring the broad field of media and performance
The research group Media and Performance approaches subjects in her field of study from a comparative and historical perspective, with a focus on the intricate relationship between technology and materiality, cultural expressions and forms of mediation and performance, and their publics of participants, users or spectators. Our researchers work from a specific focus on situated and location-based processes of cultural communication and signification with a key interest in dynamics of innovation, change, and transformation.
Our researchers participate in the interdisciplinary research consortia within Utrecht University, and beyond. We also collaborate with makers in the cultural field and creative industries, as well as in the fields of education and governance. We contribute to various professional, educational, and creative processes with research and consultation for and about archiving, curation, design, dramaturgy, teaching, or policy, with the development of formats, methods, conceptual grounding. In connection with our research projects, we also offer various possibilities for lectures, workshops, and executive programmes.
Areas of expertise: theater & performance | dance | cinema | television | games | digital media | mobile media | urban media | data & AI | digital humanities |
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Credits header image: Ulrike Quade Company. Photo: Gabriel Casanova Miralda