Center for Sustainable Animal Stewardship (CenSAS)

Center for Sustainable Animal Stewardship


What is constitutive for responsible and sustainable relationships between humans and animals and what does this imply for the treatment of animals? These are the core questions that CenSAS aims to answer as a collaborative effort between the faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen University & Research.

When it comes to our relationship with animals, people often have differing visions and interests, resulting in a plurality of views on what is a good treatment of animals. This results in societal debate on a broad range of animal-related questions. In most cases, answers and solutions are not self-evident or automatically shared by all parties. Our approach aims to bring together science and society and to create an open space for a constructive dialogue on animal-related issues. Our approach is science-based and at the same time we provide room for different interests and intuitions and emotions. By building bridges and facilitating cooperation, we want to contribute to a more sustainable and responsible relationship between humans and animals.


Our activities include research, education, multi-stakeholder projects and our annual animal dialogue. We link our stakeholder projects to current research and take advantage of the expertise available at Wageningen University and Research and Utrecht University. In education and supervision of graduate students and interns, we use these issues to prepare future veterinarians and animal scientists for their role in society and the practice of their professions.



  • Stakeholder consultation and engagement;
  • Facilitation of dialogue and collaboration;
  • Research and projects in the field of animal welfare and animal ethics.
