Moody or depressed?

This project is currently running within the research pillar Prevention and Treatment of the Utrecht University strategic theme Dynamics of Youth.


Moody or depressed? Distinguishing normal irritated behaviour from the early signals of depression among adolescents using phone-based micro-measurements of day-to-day mood swings.


Depression is relatively prevalent among teenagers, but is not always diagnosed or treated because other early signs of depression among teenagers bear a close resemblance to normal adolescent behaviour. This project will assess whether young people suffering mild depression can be identified through abnormal patterns of mood swings.

The researchers will assess adolescents during two three-week periods each year. As well as completing online questionnaires, 300 adolescents will provide an indication of their mood several times each day, using an app on their mobile telephone. The knowledge acquired from this rich source of data will be used in an app intended to help young people who display early signs of depression more quickly in future.

Main applicant:

Dr. Loes Keijsers (Assistant Professor in Adolescence, Social and Behavioural Sciences)


Dr. M. Hillegers (UMC Utrecht)
Prof. dr. T. ter Bogt (Social and Behavioural Sciences)
Dr. R. van de Schoot (Social and Behavioural Sciences)
Prof. dr. W. Vollebergh (Social and Behavioural Sciences)
Dr. W. Cahn (UMC Utrecht)


Dynamics of Youth call Seed Money 2013

Read more about the research pillar Prevention and Treatment.