Dr. Jasper de Groot

Dr. Jasper de Groot

Jasper de Groot is a postdoc at the department of Social, Health, & Organizational Psychology. He studies the human sense of smell, in particular the human capacity to communicate fear through body odor. 

In his research, Jasper has integrated a variety of approaches from psychology (affect, perception, behavior, psychophysiology) to neuroscience (fMRI), and - in the near future - chemical analysis. After obtaining his PhD at Utrecht University (with distinction), he went to the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA) on a Niels Stensen Fellowship grant, after which he returned to Utrecht in 2019 with a Veni grant.

Can smells guide human (social) behavior?

Jasper de Groot has been a member of the Utrecht Young Academy, a bridge between young and talented researchers, since 2019.