Dr. Catalina Goanta

Dr. Catalina Goanta (photo: Ed van Rijswijk)

Catalina Goanta is Associate Professor in Law & Technology at the Law School’s Molengraaff Institute, and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council Starting Grant HUMANads (2022-2027), focused on understanding the impact of content monetization on social media and on reinterpreting private law fairness in the context of platform governance, with a particular focus on influencer advertising. With a PhD in European consumer protection, between 2016-2021 she was Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at Maastricht University, and between 2018 and 2019 she was a Niels Stensen fellow at the University of St. Gallen and Harvard University. She is also a member of the dispute resolution body of the Dutch Advertising Council (Reclame Code Commissie). In her research, she bridges methods from legal research as well as computer science and media studies to investigate commercial technology practices and their impact on consumers, as well as the broader regulatory implications. 


When it comes to technology, we are living through an unprecedented regulatory tornado that we can’t solve as individual researchers. Time is up and we need to rethink how we do science and solve the problems defining our history.’

Catalina Goanta has been a member of the Utrecht Young Academy, a bridge between young and talented researchers, since 2024.