Community building fund
In addition to organizing regular Science for Sustainability (S4S) events, the S4S board believes that bottom-up initiatives are essential to a flourishing community. To encourage such initiatives, S4S has made part of the community-building budget available for projects proposed by the community.
S4S aims to support and encourage bottom-up initiatives from the community. Applications for this call for proposals can request small grants to support initiatives such as seminars, fellowships, hackathon, workshops, symposia, summer schools, outreach activities, inviting visiting speakers (from abroad), and so on. S4S also supports pilots in making the practices of the university itself more sustainable; in research or lab practices, education, waste, environment, etc.
As S4S aims to boost the collaboration between departments bottom-up, the community building fund also offers small grants for collaborative projects by PhD students (up to €3.000). These collaborative projects should involve at least two departments and at least one should be a UU department. The budget can be used for materials, access to instruments, or work visits.
Guidelines for application
Who can apply?
Employees and students of Utrecht University can apply as the main applicant. Applicants need to be somehow affiliated with Utrecht University’s natural sciences.
Entry requirements
To be considered, applications must meet the following criteria:
- At least one of the main applicants must be employed at Utrecht University;
- The initiative should take place within one year from the submission date;
- The initiative should fit within the scope of Science for Sustainability;
- The initiative should be open to the Science for Sustainability community.
If your project is granted funding, we kindly request the following:
- Provide a brief recap of the initiative to be featured on the Science for Sustainability website. This can be a text (including a photo), video or any other suitable format;
- Use the S4S logo in promotion material;
- Acknowledge S4S during the event.
We expect all results adhere to the 100% Open Access policy of the UU.
What can be applied for?
We categorize applications into two types: small applications (typically up to €1.000) and large applications (typically over €1.000).
A total budget of €20.000 is available for 2025. The budget is split up over three periods in 2025. If the budget of the first or second period is not exhausted, the means will be transferred to the remaining periods. Applications are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis within each time period.
The budget is split over the following application periods:
- January 2025 until April 2025 (remaining budget €7.000)
- May 2025 until August 2025
- September 2025 until December 2025
Within each application period, applications can be submitted for initiatives that will take place within that period or in one of the following periods.
Additionally, projects awarded funding may expect to receive basic support from the S4S community (communication, practicalities, planning).
Assessment procedure
Applications will be evaluated by the S4S board (dr. Brian Logan, dr. Suzanne Hangx and dr. Mark Bos). Within each period, applications are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications are evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- Contribution to the goals of S4S. Applications will be assessed on their added value to one or more of the following S4S aims:
- Community building
- Stimulate sustainability-related research and/or practices within the (natural/fundamental) sciences of the UU
- Improve the visibility of natural science and/or fundamental sustainability research
How to apply?
To apply, fill out the short application form and send it to The application form can be downloaded using this link.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Iris Bos. The S4S board is happy to think along with your ideas and discuss the possibilities.
Funded projects
Academic (& Industrial) Workshops at the UU 2023 - 2024
The S4S and e-CHEMS Academic (& Industrial) 2023 -2024 Workshops wll follow a lecture format, inviting distinguisehd speakers to deliver insightful talks on specific sustainability subjects. The event will serve as a catalyst for interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, paving the way for impactful advancements in the field of sustainability, with a particular focus on electrochemistry. The lectures will cover fundamentals, important concepts, state-of-the-art advancements, and future challenges.
Symposium: Wildlife Conservation in Tropical Forests: Are We On The Right Track?
Organized by Utrecht University, Tropenbos International, and the Dutch Association for Tropical Forests, this symposium promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking occasion, part of the series 'Are We On The Right Track?' Together, we will delve into novel approaches for conservation and monitoring, and collectively explore the barriers and solutions necessary for the protection of wildlife.
50 Shades of Solar Radiation Modification: Towards a nuanced, interdisciplinary perspective on SRM research
Opinions among scientists and the general public regarding Solar Radiation Management (SRM) vary widely, ranging from enthusiastic support for comprehensive research programs to vehement opposition against even considering SRM. In this two-day workshop, open to both natural and social scientists, our goal is to explore constructive pathways forward. By overcoming disciplinary silo-thinking, fostering knowledge exchange (especially concerning risks) and seeking common ground we strive for a more constructive debate.