High tides and sea level rise
How do we prevent flooding and keep our feet dry? Utrecht researchers ponder this question every day.
Video: future scenarios Groene Hart
The Groene Hart is struggling with dehydration, subsidence and loss of nature and biodiversity. Researchers from Water Climate and Future Deltas are working together with societal partners on possible future scenarios with space for nature, agricultural landscape, living and working.
Keeping the Dutch delta liveable – even as it changes
Deltas and coastal plains are attractive places to live: fertile, flat, open to the sea. These lowlands are, however, also vulnerable to climate-change and sea-level rise.
Flood risk 10 times higher within 30 years
If we want to protect The Netherlands against sea-level rise, we should take measures in time. But how much time do we have left?
The importance of our coastal dunes
Dunes protect us from flooding from the sea. Gerben Ruessink investigates the influence of water and wind on the Dutch coastal landscape.
Can you predict whether a river will flood?
Predicting the behaviour of rivers is daily business for Maarten Kleinhans. He mimics rivers in a giant 'tidal tank'.
Video: why should the Netherlands flood more often?
To prevent major flooding in the future, we need to flood things more often now,
according to Maarten Kleinhans.Video: why does the sea level rise when you eat a watermelon?
Our farming practices cause subsidence, resulting in a greater risk of flooding. Mark Bierkens explains.
Our experts
- Ice sheets, sea level rise and coastal impact
- Ecosystem restoration for nature-based flood defense and biodiversity
- Coastal safety and dunes
- Flood risk reduction
- Polar climate (change), mass balance of glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets (Greenland, Antarctica), sea level rise
- Flood risk governance and citizen engagement in regional water- and climate policy
- Dynamics of river deltas
- European and national water law
- Rivers, deltas, tidal basins and estuaries such as the Western Scheldt
- Climate impacts on coasts and deltas