The Graduate School of Natural Sciences offers 14 full Master's programmes and 8 PhD programmes. It is 1 of 8 Graduate Schools of Utrecht University and embedded into the Faculty of Science. Each research institute offers 1 PhD programme and several Master's programmes.
Prof. R.J.M. (Bert) Klein Gebbink, Vice Dean of Education of the Faculty of Science.
The Board of Studies (BoS) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the School and the quality of the GSNS Master's and PhD programmes. The BoS is formed by the Degree Directors of the Master's programmes.
Prof. dr. Erik van Sebille (Chair): Degree director
Prof. Toine Pieters: Degree director History and Philosophy of Science (temporary replaced by Prof. dr. Federica Russo)
Prof. Albert Gatt: Degree director Applied Data Science
Prof. Thomas Grimm: Degree director Physics
Dr. Celso de Mello Donega: Degree director Chemical Sciences
Dr. Sietse Overbeek: Degree director Artificial Intelligence, Computing Science and Information Science
Dr. Wioletta Ruszel: Degree director Mathematical Sciences
Olaf Massen, MSc, PhD Representative
Rodrigo Garrido Pérez, BSc, Student representative
Paolo Dioni, BSc, Student representative
Dr. Marijn Hollestelle (Secretary to the Board)
Watch this video if you want to know more about the Board of Studies (BoS).
Applied Data Science, Dr. A.T. (Mirko) Schaefer
Artificial Intelligence, Prof. P. (Pinar) Yolum
Business Informatics, Prof. F. (Fabiano) Dalpiaz
Climate Physics, Dr. W.J. (Willem Jan) van de Berg
Computing Science, Dr. ir. J.M. (Marjan) van den Akker
Data Science, Prof. Y. (Yannis) Velegrakis
Experimental Physics, Dr. L.C. (Laura) Filion
Game and Media Technology, Prof. R.C. (Remco) Veltkamp and dr. W.O. (Wolfgang) Hurst
History and Philosophy of Science, Prof. A.H.L.M. (Toine) Pieters
Human Computer Interaction, Prof. J.F.M. (Judith) Masthoff
Mathematical Sciences, Dr. W.M. (Wioletta) Ruszel
Nanomaterials Science, Dr. C. (Celso) de Mello Donega
Sustainable and Circular Chemistry, Dr. M. (Marc-Etienne) Moret
Theoretical Physics, Dr. U. (Umut) Gursoy
The coordinators are the principal points of contact for all Master's students.
The coordinator advises students on their individual Master's Programmes or pre-Master's Programme, can be a conduit for administrative affairs and quality management, and gives advice on admissions requests.
Applied Data Science Dr. Evanthia Dimara and Dr. Daan Kolkman
Artificial Intelligence Dr. Shihan Wang and Dr. Brian Logan
Business Informatics Dr. Inge van de Weerd and Dr. Joris Hulstijn
Climate Physics Dr. Rupert Holzinger
Data Science Dr. Michael Behrisch and Dr. Deb Panja
Computing Science Dr. Erik Jan van Leeuwen and Dr. Ioanna Lykourentzou
Experimental Physics Dr. F.T. (Freddy) Rabouw
Game and Media Technology and Dr. Zerrin Yumak (temporarily replaced by Dr. M. (Maarten) Löffler) and Dr. Remco Veltkamp
History and Philosophy of Science Dr. David Baneke
Human Computer Interaction Christof van Nimwegen and Maartje de Graaf
Mathematical Sciences W.F. Wilfred de Graaf, MSc
Nanomaterials Science Shauni Keller
Sustainable and Circular Chemistry Shauni Keller
Theoretical Physics Dr. J. (Joost) de Graaf, Dr. L. (Lars) Fritz
Each of the Scientific Directors is responsible for the PhD programme of the institute listed. Together as a board, they advise the GSNS Board of Studies.
Prof. A.P. (Allard) Mosk, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science
Prof. M.R. (Michiel) van den Broeke, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
Prof. R.H.H.G. (René) van Roij, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Prof. C.W. (Kees) Oosterlee, Mathematical Institute
Prof. J.F.M. (Judith) Masthoff, Utrecht Institute for ICT Research
Prof. P.H.M. (Paul) Drijvers, Freudenthal Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
Prof. R.J.M. (Raimond) Snellings, Institute for Gravitational and Subatomic Physics
Prof. dr. E.T.C. (Eelco) Vogt, Institute for Sustainable and Circular Chemistry
The Board of Examiners is responsible for the quality of tests and exams within the school. Its members each represent a cluster of Master's programmes.
For questions about the GSNS Board of Examiners please contact
- Prof. dr. mr. H. (Henry) Prakken - Chair
- Prof. dr. F.J. (Floris) Bex - Member, Artificial Intelligence
- Prof. dr. ir. G.J.M. (Guus) Velders - Member, Chair Physics
- Dr. Guido Bacciagaluppi - Member, History and Philosophy of Science
- Prof. Dr. Frank de Groot - Member, Chemical Sciences
- Dr. M. (Martijn) Kool - Member, Mathematical Sciences
- Prof. dr. ir. A.C. (Alex) Telea - Member, Applied Data Science
- Prof. dr. S (Sanne) Abeln - Member, Computer Science & Information Science
- Dr. J.A. (Jan Andries) Post - Non-Faculty member
- J. (Jora) Smit - Secretary
The Education Committee independently advises the Board of Studies of the GSNS on the quality of the Master's programmes of the School.
For questions about the GSNS Education Committee please contact
The members of the Committee:
- Dr. B. (Ben) Erné, Chair (Chemical Sciences)
- G.A. (Gerjanne) Heek MA, Secretary (GSNS)
- Dr. H (Heysem) Kaya, Applied Data Science
- Ana Melchor Perez, BSc - student representative, Applied Data Science
- Dr. D. (Dragan) Doder, Artificial Intelligence
- Manouk Sirag, BSc - student representative, Artificial Intelligence
- Ffion Steenvoorden, BSc - student representative, Chemical Sciences
- Dr. A.J. (Ad) Feelders, Computing Science
- Imane El Caidi, BSc - student representative, Computing Science
- Dr. H.M. (Hieke) Huistra, History and Philosophy of Science
- TommasoTonello, BSc - student representative, History and Philosophy of Science
- Iris Beerepoot, Information Science
- Sophia Mladenova, BSc - student representative, Information Science
- Dr. L.A. (Lola) Thompson, Mathematical Sciences
- Erwin Dijkstra, BSc - student representative, Mathematical Sciences
- Dr. A. (Alessandro) Grelli, Physics
- Gijs van Seventer, BSc, Physics
The Education Advisory Committees (Opleidingsadviescommissies) advise the Education Committee on the specific Master's programmes. The Chairs of the Education Advisory Committees (or a representative), are members of the Education Committee. The rules of procedure of the Education Committee can be found here. You can also look at the annual report of 2023-2024.
The Board of Admissions controls the admission procedures of all programme and exchange students, as well as all non-specific scholarship procedures.
Prof. Erik van Sebille (Chair)
Prof. Toine Pieters, Degree director History and Philosophy of Science (temporarily replaced by Prof. dr. Federica Russo)
Prof. Albert Gatt: Degree director Applied Data Science
Prof. Thomas Grimm: Degree director Physics
Dr. Sietse Overbeek: Degree director Artificial Intelligence, Computing Science and Information Science
Dr. Celso de Mello Donega: Degree director Chemical Sciences
Dr. Wioletta Ruszel: Degree director Mathematical Sciences
L.M. (Lisanne) de Jong): Secretary