Utrecht Canal Pride

Utrecht Canal Pride 2023

Starting from 2022, Utrecht University participates in the Utrecht Canal Pride together with HU University for Applied Sciences Utrecht. In 2023 the Canal Pride took place on 3 June 2023. 

Change starts with each individual

portretfoto elias abou chaaya

Elias Abou Chaaya, event manager at EDI Office, participated in the Canal Pride of june 2023.

The sunny day started with appealing speeches from Utrecht University and Hogeschool Utrecht. I loved hearing that both institutions remain actively committed to creating an inclusive, open environment full of respect and acceptance. The vibrant green colour of our boat symbolised our theme 'Young activists'. We wanted to show that change starts with each individual. It gave so much energy to go through the canals of Utrecht as one of the 50 selected participants. Especially because of the positivity and support of all the Pride visitors. The Utrecht Canal Pride 2023 was an unforgettable day full of love, fun and celebration. The overarching theme 'What if love is the masterplan' pointed to an important message: embrace yourself, celebrate each other. Everyone deserves the freedom to be themselves.