
    • Breaking Science 2024 - finale

      Which early-career researcher will tell the most compelling science story in 3 minutes?
    • SCORE presents: 'Nieuw Licht' in ZIMIHC Theater Wittevrouwen

      With its fifth anniversary, SCORE shines light on itself: what is SCORE and what drives them? In "New Light," they sing straight into the hearts of the audience with conviction.
    • Sharing Days: A greener campus: how to achieve that?

      Biodiversity is one of the greatest challenges of our time! With its location between several nature reserves, Utrecht University can play a crucial role in strengthening biodiversity, not only on campus. Are you curious to know what UU is doing to promote biodiversity?
    • Sharing Days: Visit the storehouse of science

      Discover the role of the library in today's (digital) age, browse around the depots and learn all about the special building.
    • Sharing Days: Garden yoga - 5 pm

      Want to end your working day on a good note? Then come to the yoga class at the Botanical Gardens.
    • Sharing Days: How do you look at a horse?

      How does a vet see if a horse is lame? And how good are we actually at it? Using an eye tracker, we try to visualise this and train the new generation of vets even better! Try it yourself during the workshop.
    • Sharing Days: Garden yoga - 6 pm

      Want to end your working day on a good note? Then come to the yoga class at the Botanical Gardens at 6 pm.
    • Sharing Days: Smart Plants walk Botanic Gardens

      Plants are firmly rooted in one place and may seem to have few options to respond to their surroundings. Are they simply at the mercy of fate? Walk with us through the Botanic Gardens to find out!
    • Sharing Days: Climbing workshop starts at 6.30 pm

      Do yo want to climb the highest rock climbing wall in the middle of the Netherlands? Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, you will learn the basics of climbing and securing, while enjoying the fresh air.
    • Sharing Days: Tour Rock Garden

      The Rock Garden: its highest point, atop Fort Hoofddijk, is some 12 metres above the fort's moat. In terms of species diversity and surface area, it is one of the largest rock gardens in Europe. Marloes Adamse will tell you all the ins and outs about the history of this part of the garden, which special species can be seen and, of course, we will walk past everything that is flowering at that moment.